Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Test equipment fault, Thurlby DSA 511

Hi there
first post so hello everybody! hope this is the right place to post this.

Just wondered if anyone knows the Sinclair/Thurby DSA 511 Scope Adapter

Just got one off flebay, worked ok for two hours, now dead! "well you kinda expect it with second gear" but I thought I might get a day !
anyhoo's had a look and got +5 -5 +7 -7 found 2v ref on processor board and a good output on the calibration point, so looks like power's ok
just dont go any further, like the processor stopped, no output or LED's running (dead)

just wondered if there's any info out there on these

Have you contacted the manufacturer? From the little I've seen on the web, the Thurlby brand appears to be manufactured in the UK.
No not yet, thought I would have a look first, my guess is there repair cost would be restrictive I.E. cheaper to get another scope with this facility built in!
but I will give that a go..