Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Term Project

Public Bus Signaling System

I need to design and construc the signaling system of a public bus. How do I design ?
The first step is to specify absolutely all of the functions that the system must perform:
What signals?
Light and sound?
How activated?
When activated?

The more detail you can give, the easier the design process.

And when you graduate will you share the degree with everyone who did the term project for you?

Unless the term project allows you to get others to design your project for you, what you are doing is called cheating.

The first step is to specify absolutely all of the functions that the system must perform:
What signals?
Light and sound?
How activated?
When activated?

The more detail you can give, the easier the design process.


When the passengers push the button, the red light which is in gage turns on.Then the driver pushes the button, the right door is opened up.

maby make the switch for the rider start up a 555 monostable with a led in front of the driver and at the front of the aisle so the rider knows his request got through.
that's all i got..
but if you cant come up with something better than that then i don't think you should pass whatever class this is.
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