Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tele-Tone 195 radio


Alan R. Betz

I am looking for the schematic for a Tele-Tone model 195 radio,
c.1949. This set uses four tubes--a 12BE6, a 12AT6, a 50B5 and a 35W4.
Can anyone help?
Regards, Alan


Howdy Alan.....Don't have any schematics for that radio but would figure
with your tube lineup that you've got a basic superhet....12BE6 would be
the RF input, mixer and LO (pentagrid converter), 12AT6 probably is the
I.F. amp and detecter (triode and diode)....50B5 will be the audio amp
with max couple of watts input power and 35W4 is the power line
rectifier. There won't be a power transformer and all tube filaments
will be in series across the power line instead.

With a tube manual in hand (Essential Characteristics etc) you should be
able to troubleshoot and/or draw your circuit with little trouble.
