Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tektronix WSTR31 wtb


Henry Kolesnik

Anyone have a spare or unneeded set of 4 floppies with WSTR31 which is
the screen transfer software for a Tektronix THS720A?


Anyone have a spare or unneeded set of 4 floppies with WSTR31 which is
the screen transfer software for a Tektronix THS720A?

As far I know, You don't need any SW to get the screen of you THS710A.
Just set your scope Hard Copy to BMP, and the RS232 to default, then
use your windows Hyper-Terminal setting it to 9600baud, 8bits data, no
parity, 1 bit stop and HW flagging and press the connect button
ignoring the phone number.
Go to the transfer pull-down menu and start the text acquisition
giving a name with the BMP extension.
Press the Hard Copy on your THS720 and when the transfer has finished,
return to the transfer pull-down menu of the Hyperterminal and stop
the text acquisition.
That's all, you have a B/W image of the scope in BMP format.
If you want it, you can download my Tek_FFT software from the
tektronix web-site, to get a real time FFT spectrum on your scope.
They put it as a DOS application for the TDS2xx series only, but I did
it for the THS7xx indeed.
The link is below:,TDS224&wtti=DOS+PROGRAM+TO+DISPLAY+FFT

Note that the software was written for the DOS environment, and it has
some problem with the latest mouse drivers (they hang up the
communication with the DSO), so it is better to use it via the
The software produces PCX and HPGL documentation.
Have a nice day

Massimo IK1IZA