Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tektronix TDS-210 Broke; Any ideas?


Jason von Nieda

Hi all,

I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought it
on eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I
was using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it
I get a blank display. The LCD backlight comes on but no display. I get
a 5kHz wave from the probe comp connections according to my DMM.

So, is this common? Anyone heard of it or have any ideas of what might
be wrong. Tek wants $575 to repair and there's just no way I can do
that. I'm guessing the display has just given up the ghost on me but
where to find a replacement?


David L. Jones

Hi all,

I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought it
on eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I
was using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it
I get a blank display. The LCD backlight comes on but no display. I get
a 5kHz wave from the probe comp connections according to my DMM.

So, is this common? Anyone heard of it or have any ideas of what might
be wrong. Tek wants $575 to repair and there's just no way I can do
that. I'm guessing the display has just given up the ghost on me but
where to find a replacement?


If you need the service manual, send me an email.

Dave :)

Jon Slaughter

Jason von Nieda said:
Hi all,

I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought it on
eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I was
using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it I get
a blank display. The LCD backlight comes on but no display. I get a 5kHz
wave from the probe comp connections according to my DMM.

So, is this common? Anyone heard of it or have any ideas of what might be
wrong. Tek wants $575 to repair and there's just no way I can do that. I'm
guessing the display has just given up the ghost on me but where to find a

I would do that either. Probably just a bad resistor or something very
simple and they'll charge you 500$ to replace a 2c component. Its outrageous
how companies gouge people now days and specially when they tend to do a
piss pour job.

Did you open it up and check it out? Maybe you can probe inside a little and
see where your signal cuts out? Try checking the net for others with similar
issues and you might find the culprit but opening it up and looking at it
and you might find out what happened.

Phil Allison

"Jason von Nieda"
I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought it on
eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I was
using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it I get
a blank display.

** Tried taking your sun glasses off ??

...... Phil ;-)

Michael A. Terrell

Jon said:
I would do that either. Probably just a bad resistor or something very
simple and they'll charge you 500$ to replace a 2c component. Its outrageous
how companies gouge people now days and specially when they tend to do a
piss pour job.

You have never dealt with Tektronix, have you? Some of these scopes
are near EOL, and are repaired by replacing modules, then the item is
calibrated to NIST traceable standards. You are quick to condemn
everyone, yet you don't know enough to do the work for yourself. The
scope still sells for around $1000, it is a dual channel 60 MHz digital
storage scope. How do you propose to find that "bad resistor or
something very simple"? Do you have any idea of the costs involved in
running a meteorology lab? Don't the employees deserve a living wage?
Do you want to wait months, or years while they order parts, or do you
prefer them to invest in an inventory that covers most of their needs?
Grow up, and look at the real world.

As far as workmanship, Tektronix and HP (now Agilent) has set the
world's standards in quality for decades.

Either put up, or shut up.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jason said:
Hi all,

I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought it
on eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I
was using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it
I get a blank display. The LCD backlight comes on but no display. I get
a 5kHz wave from the probe comp connections according to my DMM.

So, is this common? Anyone heard of it or have any ideas of what might
be wrong. Tek wants $575 to repair and there's just no way I can do
that. I'm guessing the display has just given up the ghost on me but
where to find a replacement?

Guessing is expensive. You need the manual, and do some
troubleshooting. You can buy a junker on Ebay and take your chances, or
check with other repair centers. I know Gerry Dorrin, the owner of MDS
labs in Ft Walton Beach, Fl. but it has been over ten years since I
visited his lab. When I did, I was impressed, and that isn't easy to
do. That model is obsolete, so Tektronix will only support it, till
they run out of spare modules.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Jon Slaughter

Michael A. Terrell said:
You have never dealt with Tektronix, have you? Some of these scopes
are near EOL, and are repaired by replacing modules, then the item is
calibrated to NIST traceable standards. You are quick to condemn
everyone, yet you don't know enough to do the work for yourself. The
scope still sells for around $1000, it is a dual channel 60 MHz digital
storage scope. How do you propose to find that "bad resistor or
something very simple"? Do you have any idea of the costs involved in
running a meteorology lab? Don't the employees deserve a living wage?
Do you want to wait months, or years while they order parts, or do you
prefer them to invest in an inventory that covers most of their needs?
Grow up, and look at the real world.

As far as workmanship, Tektronix and HP (now Agilent) has set the
world's standards in quality for decades.

Either put up, or shut up.

yeah right. How many times have you been proven wrong already? Anyways I'm
sure a low level Tek techie and your afraid you my loose your bonus if it
got out that they were overcharging.

I guess you really except me to believe that Tek is any different from the
rest of the corporate scam artists.

Its amazing you are so guillible and ignorant.

Its funny how you say that they still sell them for aroudn 1000$ yet they
want to charge 1/2x the price to "fix" it.

I guess when you go to the car repair shop and they tell you that it will
cost you 2000$ to repair your 1980 toyota celica then you happily hand over
the money with no questions? You didn't even have the balls to look under
the hood to see whats wrong? When in fact all they did was clean the
carburetor and change a spark plug. Not only that, they had some lacky with
an education similar to yours do the job. He probably cross-threaded the
spark-plugs so good luck next time.


Jon Slaughter

Michael A. Terrell said:
You have never dealt with Tektronix, have you? Some of these scopes
are near EOL, and are repaired by replacing modules, then the item is
calibrated to NIST traceable standards. You are quick to condemn
everyone, yet you don't know enough to do the work for yourself. The
scope still sells for around $1000, it is a dual channel 60 MHz digital
storage scope. How do you propose to find that "bad resistor or
something very simple"? Do you have any idea of the costs involved in
running a meteorology lab? Don't the employees deserve a living wage?
Do you want to wait months, or years while they order parts, or do you
prefer them to invest in an inventory that covers most of their needs?
Grow up, and look at the real world.

As far as workmanship, Tektronix and HP (now Agilent) has set the
world's standards in quality for decades.

Either put up, or shut up.

Ok. How bout this. I'm sure the logic will escape you but here goes. Why are
they quoting 1/2 the price of the unit when they have no idea what is wrong
with it? Do they know something that everyone else doesn't? Are they going
to charge the same price even if it only takes 5 mins to fix? Aren't these
the guys that created the unit? If there really are so great then won't it
only take them a few mins to diagnose the problem? If they work on by using
spare parts for it then wouldn't they be happy to support the customer and
to get rid of there junk? After all a happy customer is a happy customer.
Hell, they built the fucker so they would be able to diagnost the thing
pretty well even if it is difficult you would thing they would respect there
customer base(someone brought the thing and it doesn't matter who if the
wear on it was normative).

The fact of the matter is that all Tek is doing is gouging because they do
not want to repair these products. They overprice it for those idiots(like
you) that believe they really care about your wallet. They could charge 10k$
a minute and get some fish. By overcharging they keep the approximately the
same profit without doing nearly as much work. They do this on purpose
becuase they have better things to do than repair a bunch of there POS
equipment. I guess you think they rather be repairing old used equipment
where they probably make 300$/h instead of reparing the more advanced
equipment where they can charge 1000$/h? Even though its probably 5x harder
to harder repair the more advanced equipment. The prices are not
proportional. They overcharge on the stuff they do not want to do but will
do it if the price is right(and they get to set that price).

Anyways, I'm sure these basic laws of economics escapes your large brain.
Actually, my only guess is that you own stock in Tek. What was there profit
last quarter?

Jason von Nieda

Michael said:
Guessing is expensive. You need the manual, and do some
troubleshooting. You can buy a junker on Ebay and take your chances, or
check with other repair centers. I know Gerry Dorrin, the owner of MDS
labs in Ft Walton Beach, Fl. but it has been over ten years since I
visited his lab. When I did, I was impressed, and that isn't easy to
do. That model is obsolete, so Tektronix will only support it, till
they run out of spare modules.

Hi Michael,

I do have the service manual, but unfortunately the details are pretty
slim for this scope. They claim that they only do module level repair on
it. I checked all the test points for the power supply and they all seem
legit. I couldn't check the backlight voltage cause my DMM doesn't go
that high, but the backlight lights so I think it's alright :)
Unfortunately after that in the manual they just say to start swapping
If I had another scope I might be able to probe some of the display
lines and decide if the display or mainboard is dead, but no extra scope.



Jason said:
Hi all,

I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought
it on eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I
was using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it
I get a blank display. The LCD backlight comes on but no display. I get
a 5kHz wave from the probe comp connections according to my DMM.

So, is this common? Anyone heard of it or have any ideas of what
might be wrong. Tek wants $575 to repair and there's just no way I can
do that. I'm guessing the display has just given up the ghost on me but
where to find a replacement?


I don't know the TDS-210, but someone here
almost certainly does.


Phil Allison

"Jon Slaughter"
Ok. How bout this. I'm sure the logic will escape you but here goes.

** Any sign of logic escaped long ago.

Why are they quoting 1/2 the price of the unit when they have no idea
what is wrong with it?

** Not true.

It appears that the OP asked Tek for a quote over the phone for a new
display module to be installed.

The figure was given in reply to this question.

Do they know something that everyone else doesn't?

** Well, they know plenty that YOU do not.

Are they going to charge the same price even if it only takes 5 mins to

** No, the quote was for a new display module with installation.

Aren't these the guys that created the unit?

** No - just the folk who carry out repairs.

If there really are so great then won't it only take them a few mins to
diagnose the problem?

** Completely irrelevant.

Tek are not offering PCB level repairs - only module replacement.

If they work on by using spare parts for it then wouldn't they be happy to
support the customer and to get rid of there junk?

** That is complete gobbledegook.

After all a happy customer is a happy customer.

** Exactly why Tek offer module replacement.

It is quick, certain to work and has a pre specified cost.

Hell, they built the fucker....

** Insane drivel - machines and factory staff built the scope.

Design staff have nothing to do with repairs.

The fact of the matter is that all Tek is doing is gouging because they do
not want to repair these products.

** That may be slightly true.

Tek ( along with all other test instrument makers) do no want to support
long obsolete instruments - doing that is highly counterproductive for

Others can and do offer to repair any equipment they like.

It if were as easy as you say, they would have a thriving business.

Snip rest of this paranoid narcissist's insane drivel.

Yawn ...

........ Phil

Jon Slaughter

** That may be slightly true.

Tek ( along with all other test instrument makers) do no want to support
long obsolete instruments - doing that is highly counterproductive for

Others can and do offer to repair any equipment they like.

It if were as easy as you say, they would have a thriving business.

Oh, and I suppose they don't?
Hi all,

I've got a Tek TDS-210 DSO that gave up on me last Sunday. I bought it
on eBay for ~$700 2.5 years ago and it's worked great until Sunday. I
was using it Saturday night and when I woke up Sunday and went to use it
I get a blank display. The LCD backlight comes on but no display. I get
a 5kHz wave from the probe comp connections according to my DMM.

So, is this common? Anyone heard of it or have any ideas of what might
be wrong. Tek wants $575 to repair and there's just no way I can do
that. I'm guessing the display has just given up the ghost on me but
where to find a replacement?


Phil Allison

"Jon Slaughter"
Oh, and I suppose they don't?

** Who gives a **** what an ass like YOU supposes.

Hmm, no where do I see that the quote was for the display.

** Nowhere do I see the relevant part of my post.

So, go fetch it - boy.

Snip rest of this paranoid narcissist's insane drivel.

......... Phil

Jon Slaughter

Phil Allison said:
"Jon Slaughter"

** Who gives a **** what an ass like YOU supposes.

** Nowhere do I see the relevant part of my post.

So, go fetch it - boy.

Snip rest of this paranoid narcissist's insane drivel.

I guess you choose to ignore the fact that you posted. Fortunately for us
usenet keeps track of these things

** Not true.

It appears that the OP asked Tek for a quote over the phone for a new
display module to be installed.

Appears huh? Appears why? Because your an idiot and believe it to be true
yet the OP never said it explicitly(irrespective of wether its the case or
not). Anyways, your a dumbass as everyone knows by how you respond to
people. I don't know what happened to you as a kid but seriously you have
some issues. Every post you make has some inane smart ass comment. I know
your anus must still hurt from that time with the priest but get over it.

Phil Allison

"Jon Will Someone Slaughter Him Please "

** That is ALL asinine fuckwits like you ever do

- piles of ASD fucked psychotic human shit.

It appears that the OP asked Tek for a quote over the phone for a new
display module to be installed.

Appears huh?

** From the simple fact that Tek only do module replacements.

As usual, the logic escapes YOU !!!

But what lunatic asylum did YOU escape from ??

........ Phil

Michael A. Terrell

Jon said:
yeah right. How many times have you been proven wrong already? Anyways I'm
sure a low level Tek techie and your afraid you my loose your bonus if it
got out that they were overcharging.

Bonus? WTF are you talking about? I have never worked for Tek, or
HP, but I have used their test and broadcast equipment for over 30

I guess you really except me to believe that Tek is any different from the
rest of the corporate scam artists.

"Except"? No, and i don't EXPECT anything but loser shit from you, so
I'm never disappointed. Its up to you to prove your allegations about
Tek, HP and me, and you can't do it. Tektronix isn't in business to
support hobbyist, so if you can't afford their quailty, its your loss.
They are one of a VERY few companies that sold equipment to NASA and the
US military without modifications. If you had ANY brains, you would
realize what this says about their quality.

Its amazing you are so guillible and ignorant.

Keep slinging mud, crybaby. You're still pissed because you had your
head shoved in the toilet for multiple swirlies the last time you tried
to show yourself on this newsgroup.

Its funny how you say that they still sell them for aroudn 1000$ yet they
want to charge 1/2x the price to "fix" it.

I said it was obsolete, but still available for around $1000. I did
not say Tektronix was selling it for that price.

I guess when you go to the car repair shop and they tell you that it will
cost you 2000$ to repair your 1980 toyota celica then you happily hand over
the money with no questions?

More loser bullshit. The only repairs I have ever let anyone do were
to mount tires on split rims on my stepvan. Now that i'm 100% disabled,
I have had to have the oil changed one time when I was so sick that I
couldn't hold onto the tools. WTF would I spend lots of money to keep a
87 Ford pickup truck running, moron?

You didn't even have the balls to look under
the hood to see whats wrong? When in fact all they did was clean the
carburetor and change a spark plug.

More loser shit. i have rebuilt engines, done body work and
customized a 66 GTO. Tune ups are easy, as long as i can lean against
the body to work. Otherwise, its someone else's problem, because i can't
stand without a cane or walker.

Not only that, they had some lacky with
an education similar to yours do the job.

My education? I built TV stations, and communications equipment for
NASA. Ever hear if the ISS?

He probably cross-threaded the
spark-plugs so good luck next time.

There you go, projecting your faults onto others again. :(

Admitting it is the first step to your getting help.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Jon said:
Ok. How bout this. I'm sure the logic will escape you but here goes. Why are
they quoting 1/2 the price of the unit when they have no idea what is wrong
with it? Do they know something that everyone else doesn't? Are they going
to charge the same price even if it only takes 5 mins to fix? Aren't these
the guys that created the unit? If there really are so great then won't it
only take them a few mins to diagnose the problem? If they work on by using
spare parts for it then wouldn't they be happy to support the customer and
to get rid of there junk? After all a happy customer is a happy customer.
Hell, they built the fucker so they would be able to diagnost the thing
pretty well even if it is difficult you would thing they would respect there
customer base(someone brought the thing and it doesn't matter who if the
wear on it was normative).

They know the average cost to repair, and have established a minimum
price. That means that you are willing to spend the money, or look for
new equipment. If you are a defense contractor, some products have a
list of approved test equipment that MUST be used, or the equipment will
not be accepted by the customer. Sometimes it is cheaper to have
obsolete equipment repaired, than got through the process of having
changes approved in NATO designs. We had to put up with some really old
crap on the PRC77 manpack radio at Cincinnati Electronics, till they got
the list updated. Tests that took hours, could be done in minutes. We
spent $35,000 for a new piece of equipment, but it was paid for in less
than six months because we could ship more radios per month.

Either you can afford real test equipment, or you can't. Just like a
body shop has a thick manual that tells the estimated time it takes for
each damaged part to be replaced and painted. then they multiply the
number by their rate, and add the retail prices of the parts.

The fact of the matter is that all Tek is doing is gouging because they do
not want to repair these products. They overprice it for those idiots(like
you) that believe they really care about your wallet.

More of your idiocy. I have never had to ship anything to Tektronix.
We had our own in house Metrology lab at Microdyne. The equipment in my
home shop was repaired on my bench. Then i would have its calibration
tested, if needed.

They could charge 10k$
a minute and get some fish. By overcharging they keep the approximately the
same profit without doing nearly as much work. They do this on purpose
becuase they have better things to do than repair a bunch of there POS

Repair is a separate division in most large companies, so if they
don't have something to work on, they can't justify their operation, and
they are shut down.

I guess you think they rather be repairing old used equipment
where they probably make 300$/h instead of reparing the more advanced
equipment where they can charge 1000$/h? Even though its probably 5x harder
to harder repair the more advanced equipment. The prices are not
proportional. They overcharge on the stuff they do not want to do but will
do it if the price is right(and they get to set that price).

you have absolutely no idea what the hell you are blathering about.
Look at the prices of new test equipment, and what it will cost a
company when they can't use it. I had over $1,000,000 worth of test
equipment on my benches at MicroDyne. I turned down another 250,000
worth, because I didn't need it very often, and simple gave that 1% of
the work to to another bench that was set up for the job.

Anyways, I'm sure these basic laws of economics escapes your large brain.

Basic laws? You do know not one damn thing about the laws of economy
for a real electronics business. You probably think that the $500
worth of soldering irons and the $6,000 stereo microscope (That I needed
because of my failing eyesight) were overpriced, as well.

Actually, my only guess is that you own stock in Tek. What was there profit
last quarter?

How the hell would I know, and why would I care? I don't hold any
stock in any company and unfortunately, I now live on a VA disability
pension after 40+ years of electronics work in every area except medical

I did my first repairs on Tektronix RM529s while in the US Army in
the early '70s while working for AFRTS/AFRN/AFN. I was awarded the
broadcast engineer MOS by the US ARMY as a civilian acquired skill while
in basic training. By achieving this, I tested out of a three year
electronics course.

Keep showing us your vast ignorance, some people here enjoy laughing
at your stupid comments.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida