OK, lets put it this way
Deep DooDoo, note the negative sign.
United States $ -829,100,000,000 2005 est.
Also from
China $ 160,800,000,000 2005 est.
Germany $ 115,500,000,000 2005 est.
Saudi Arabia $ 90,730,000,000 2005 est.
Russia $ 84,250,000,000 2005 est.
Switzerland $ 58,240,000,000 2005 est.
Norway $ 49,490,000,000 2005 est.
Netherlands $ 39,950,000,000 2005 est.
You are an ex-empire, just like the UK, and Spain, the yUKs did it
better and longer than you, and hid corruption better than your
mediocre system, ( It's called knighthoods)
Thank Buddah we taught the Indian continent well, I dont mean the one
you stole
I reckon India will beat China in the long run