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Maker Pro

Tektronix 2445 Readout is no good , video included


Jim Yanik

The readout looks bad , i can see jumpy dots ,instead of clear numbers
as in the other 2445 .
i replaced those 3 47uf caps on the A5 board (control board) , and it
didn't helped .

2445 non-B scopes have separate R-O boards.
the signal from them feeds into the vertical on the main bottom board.
try swapping the readout boards.
IIRC,there's also a pot to adjust R-O crawl/jitter.
see the cal procedure in your service manual.

On "B" models,the readout is integrated to the A5 uP board.
"B" model A5 uP boards are NOT swappable with earlier versions.


The readout looks bad , i can see jumpy dots ,instead of clear numbers
as in the other 2445 .
i replaced those 3 47uf caps on the A5 board (control board) , and it
didn't helped .

I'll second what Jim has said with regards to the jitter pot. On very
early serial numbers, the pot and a few passive components were tack
soldered to U800 (An ECN I guess - I just replaced a U800 on a 2465 that
had this). On later serial numbers, R805 was added to the A1 board. It
couldn't hurt to give it a twiddle.
Jim said:
2445 non-B scopes have separate R-O boards.
the signal from them feeds into the vertical on the main bottom board.
try swapping the readout boards.
IIRC,there's also a pot to adjust R-O crawl/jitter.
see the cal procedure in your service manual.

On "B" models,the readout is integrated to the A5 uP board.
"B" model A5 uP boards are NOT swappable with earlier versions.

Jim Yanik
tried play with jitter , didn't do the trick ...

and you are right about A5 in the 2445 , the R-O is not on this
board , i just did a swap with a good 2445 A5 and got the same jerky
readout .

what component is making the problem in the R-O of the 2445 ?
caps ? or something else ?

Jim Yanik

tried play with jitter , didn't do the trick ...

and you are right about A5 in the 2445 , the R-O is not on this
board , i just did a swap with a good 2445 A5 and got the same jerky
readout .

what component is making the problem in the R-O of the 2445 ?
caps ? or something else ?

possibly caps,or a bad hybrid on the main board.
Does it twitch in the vert or horiz direction,or both? signal trace
solid,in both V and H axes?
This may be where you have to scope every decoupled PS supply line.
could even be some of those 0.1uf DIP caps that are all over every board.
[email protected]:

possibly caps,or a bad hybrid on the main board.
Does it twitch in the vert or horiz direction,or both? signal trace
solid,in both V and H axes?
This may be where you have to scope every decoupled PS supply line.
could even be some of those 0.1uf DIP caps that are all over every board.

Jim Yanik

trace is solid , no trace problems .

and one thing i noticed , when i control the read out intensity fully
CW , the R-O shifts upwards ...

Jim Yanik

trace is solid , no trace problems .

Is that a trace with a signal displayed,or just the baseline trace?
With a signal displayed,you can see any horiz jitter.
Without an input signal,you can't see any jitter in the horiz.
and one thing i noticed , when i control the read out intensity fully
CW , the R-O shifts upwards ...
I wonder if your CRT is maxed out on intensity.(grid bias)
Is that a trace with a signal displayed,or just the baseline trace?
With a signal displayed,you can see any horiz jitter.
Without an input signal,you can't see any jitter in the horiz.

I wonder if your CRT is maxed out on intensity.(grid bias)

Jim Yanik

i'l try with a signal later on ...

and i adjusted the grid bias , its fine .
Is that a trace with a signal displayed,or just the baseline trace?
With a signal displayed,you can see any horiz jitter.
Without an input signal,you can't see any jitter in the horiz.

I wonder if your CRT is maxed out on intensity.(grid bias)

Jim Yanik

Well , the read-out is good now , i replaced the power supply , and
don't have jerky read-out .
i guess power supply ain't that good .

but i got another problem with this scope , the horiz is not good at
some of time bases , some of them ok , but lets say 5u is drifting .
i did CAL 01-04 , but got LIMIT warning in the horiz section , could
not adjust as required .
something is wrong , what i'm doing wrong ?

Jim Yanik

Well , the read-out is good now , i replaced the power supply , and
don't have jerky read-out .
i guess power supply ain't that good .

probably marginal electrolytics,bad ESR.
often,the PS is the source of trouble appearing elsewhere.
but i got another problem with this scope , the horiz is not good at
some of time bases , some of them ok , but lets say 5u is drifting .
i did CAL 01-04 , but got LIMIT warning in the horiz section , could
not adjust as required .
something is wrong , what i'm doing wrong ?

All the parts for timing are on the sweep hybrids.try swapping the A and B
sweep hybrids,and recal.if the problem goes away on that range/mode,then yu
have a bad hybrid.
probably marginal electrolytics,bad ESR.
often,the PS is the source of trouble appearing elsewhere.

All the parts for timing are on the sweep hybrids.try swapping the A and B
sweep hybrids,and recal.if the problem goes away on that range/mode,then yu
have a bad hybrid.

Jim Yanik

Well , gonna try this after i'l find new U800 (Horiz amp ) just
destroyed the one that was on the scope .

the horiz amp got nothing to do with the timing ?

do you know where i can find U800 ?

Jim Yanik

Well , gonna try this after i'l find new U800 (Horiz amp ) just
destroyed the one that was on the scope .

the horiz amp got nothing to do with the timing ?

do you know where i can find U800 ?

they aren't made anymore,and the only place you can get one is from another
2445/65 scope.IIRC,there was an Ebay seller who had some salvaged ones for
sale,but the price was pretty high.
they aren't made anymore,and the only place you can get one is from another
2445/65 scope.IIRC,there was an Ebay seller who had some salvaged ones for
sale,but the price was pretty high.

Jim Yanik

i'l try to salvage ...

the horiz amp got nothing to do with the timing ?

Jim Yanik

i'l try to salvage ...

the horiz amp got nothing to do with the timing ?

why don't you read the excellent circuit description that's in the service