Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tektronix 2445 problem...

hi! I have a tektronix 2445 with a strange problem:
once you turn the screen lights up almost entirely of green (not generating the track)
As if it were a monochrome monitor.
The inputs to the fingertip touch ... but it is completely vented reveal something .. can not even see the numbers.
the trigger works.
Can you help? thanks luciano


Hi Luciano
welcome to the forums

since you havent yet commented ....
have you checked the intensity and readout intensity controls?
both of them if not adjusted correctly would cause the screen to be overbright as you describe
does adjusting these controls have any effect at all on the overbrightness of the screen, particularly the intensity control?

if there is not change, then its inferring that that part of the circuitry may probably need repair.
Do you have a service manual ?
it is easily available for free online, google it

Hello Dave .. if you give me your email I will send you a small clip of 30 seconds that will make you 'to account for the problem of my oscilloscope. I own the original service .. so all the documentation. Hello, thanks luciano
[email protected]


didnt really tell me much

you still havent answered the questions I asked in my first post :)

hello dave! Unfortunately, this patch of light .. acting with all the controls you move and change .. but rimanedo a green cloud that shines on almost the whole screen ..
I have the original service .. is the output of pin 4 dell'U800
the waveform is equal, but considerably more 'low ... he's dead or defective U800?
The waveform of the integrated first are regular U800.
What do you think? Hello, thanks luciano
davenn's right, your intensity is too high. It might be a switch function you have engaged
that you shouldn't, or it could be a problem with the intensity circuit itself.
(Or that you do indeed just need to dial-back the intensity)
I hoped I was also so 'but .. lelevata temperature and the waveforms notevolemnte more' low me to think that the problem is the vertical u600. it is the only one terribly hot