Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tektronix 2336 scope no horizontal trace

Hi all,
I havea Tektronix 2336 scope, this gas a fault, it does not show any traces.

Is this easy to repair? Are there potentially any dangerous voltages present even after switching off the mains and opening it up.

Thanks in advance.
From several dozens of oscilloscopes I have repaired successfully, that 2236 has been the champion of the nasty ones. Its power supply is so convoluted that I wanted to puke. Tektronix showed with that model family how crappy they can design one with the purpose of saving 5 cents. I wanted one that model; after seeing its guts decided to get a plain Hitachi.
Several electrolytic capacitors go leaky, shorted, open at the power supply... Remember a small one at the very edge of the PCB.
If you have to ask if there is dangerous voltages when unplugged, better abstain to get into it. o_O
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From several dozens of oscilloscopes I have repaired successfully, that 2236 has been the champion of the nasty ones. Its power supply is so convoluted that I wanted to puke. Tektronix showed with that model family how crappy they can design one with the purpose of saving 5 cents. I wanted one that model; after seeing its guts decided to get a plain Hitachi.
Several electrolytic capacitors go leaky, shorted, open at the power supply... Remember a small one at the very edge of the PCB.
If you have to ask if there is dangerous voltages when unplugged, better abstain to get into it. o_O
I wasnt sure if there were any high voltages lurking around on capacitors. Thats all.