It looks like my faithful 2235 has bit ths dust! When powered on, the
power LED only pulses on/off about every second and the CRT has no
light. Using the Service manual, I got as far as restoring the power
LED operation by disconnecting the lead from T948-p23 to U975, which
I assume is the HV multplier, but have no details on it. The 2 5.1K
resistors off U975-p4 are good and disconnecting C975 and C976 one at
a time does not allow the Power LED to come on steady.
Help please!
power LED only pulses on/off about every second and the CRT has no
light. Using the Service manual, I got as far as restoring the power
LED operation by disconnecting the lead from T948-p23 to U975, which
I assume is the HV multplier, but have no details on it. The 2 5.1K
resistors off U975-p4 are good and disconnecting C975 and C976 one at
a time does not allow the Power LED to come on steady.
Help please!