Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tektronix 2235 Oscilloscope Troubles

Hi all

I have a Tektronix 2235 Oscilloscope but there is no horizontal sweep, just a dot that I can move with the horizontal and vertical controls...

Any common faults or ides where to start looking ??

Yes the beam finder is working fine, the 2 dots is on the screen and the vertical amps is working but no horizontal deflection......
I haven't been using my 2235 in years, since I got their new TDS3032B. (So I'm short on remembering which switches to flip fo quick checks).
Have you got an operator manual for it, or can you check on-line for it?
People here highly recommend websites with Tektronix forums for information that will probably be more explicit.
You may have a circuit problem, but I ALWAYS try the simple things first. A lot of times problems tend to be with switch configuration, and not actual circuit failures.
Before you tear into the scope looking for the trouble, I highly recommend playing with the controls to see if something simple is holding-off your sweep.
I realize you've already tried that, but I'd look over the operator manual just in case you've discounted a possible check that should be done. I can't count how many
times I've made simple mistakes when troubleshooting instruments, only to find out I had the control panel incorrectly configured.
If you don't get a reply here that can give you specific ideas, I'd Google the Tektronix discussion forums and ask the guys who work with Tek scopes on a daily basis.
Good luck, and I hope it's a simple fix, and not an expensive repair.
I think this is a circuit fault, I bought this scope with a few other that come from a electronics company as faulty, I have a service manual but try a shortcut, maybe someone had the same fault. Thanks very much for answering me. Just don't having the time to dig into the circuit now, some other day......Thanks again !!