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Maker Pro

Tek 2465A tube available


Bob Minchin

I have a tek 2465A chassis with main board stripped of hybrids and
socketed parts, front panel missing but most of the power supply and
tube present.
No known faults with the tube but no warranty can be given.

I am in UK so really only sensible to post within the UK or you can
collect from the Southampton area.

If anyone wants it then please form an orderly queue in my replyto

It did not cost me anything so I only want to cover my postage costs and
maybe a beer voucher or two for my trouble in collecting it on its way
to the skip (dumpster).



Bob Minchin

Steven G. said:

So what part of the tube do you have ?

What a stunningly amusing reply!
Do you find producing this level of comment easy or have you had years
of training to achieve this skill?


I have a Tube for a 2455a.
had to replace it when i dropped the scope and a couple
of pins were sheered off. the glass did not break, and one
could use of that conductive glue.
its a real pretty tube, good glass. worth about $700.00
thats what i paid for the new one.

Walter Harley

Sam Goldwasser said:
I wouldn't be so hard on him. Assuming the vacuum really is intact,
IF the pins are low current, he could try silver Epoxy - might hold up
for awhile. If the alternative is the dumpster for the scope, would be
worth the attempt.

Wouldn't the alignment of the innards of the tube likely be damaged by
whatever impact sheared off the pins?

Sam Goldwasser

Walter Harley said:
Wouldn't the alignment of the innards of the tube likely be damaged by
whatever impact sheared off the pins?

I have enought trouble visualizing the CRT surviving in one piece given
the force needed to shear off the pins! :) There are a lot of assumptions

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Jim Yanik

I have enought trouble visualizing the CRT surviving in one piece
given the force needed to shear off the pins! :) There are a lot of
assumptions here....

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page:

What probably happened is that the CRT slid forward in the shield when it
was not secured by the bezel hardware,*before* the pin connectors were
removed.Most likely during removal of the CRT from the scope.

The CRT deflection -is- electrostatic,so it's low current,but I suspect
thermal cycling of the CRT would make for a poor connection.
Plus the extra epoxy would be a capacitive load on the circuit,not good for

But even if it did work for awhile,it would not be worth $700,IMO.
That's a large price for such a gamble.

Mike Harrison

What probably happened is that the CRT slid forward in the shield when it
was not secured by the bezel hardware,*before* the pin connectors were
removed.Most likely during removal of the CRT from the scope.

The CRT deflection -is- electrostatic,so it's low current,but I suspect
thermal cycling of the CRT would make for a poor connection.
Plus the extra epoxy would be a capacitive load on the circuit,not good for

But even if it did work for awhile,it would not be worth $700,IMO.
That's a large price for such a gamble.

I would imagine there are plenty of 2465 tubes around from scopes where the hybrid died.

Rene Tschaggelar

Jim said:
The CRT deflection -is- electrostatic,so it's low current,but I suspect
thermal cycling of the CRT would make for a poor connection.
Plus the extra epoxy would be a capacitive load on the circuit,not good for

While electrostatic means no current at DC, I wouldn't be surprised
if some significant current was required at 500MHz



WOW....I wasn't expecting such a debate over my post.
To answer some questions, the pins were sheered off
when the scope was dropped, the CRT slid towered the
rear, there is a shroud that covers the crt, pins hit the shroud
and were cut off right where the meet the glass.
There is enough metal there to make contact.
the wires that lead up to the broken pins are very thin with
little insulation.
in fact I did hold the pins in place and it did work,
but at the time I could not get the right type of silver epoxy.

All this occurred some time ago.
But I still have the old CRT, and im sure it could made to work
if anyone needs it.
I have since bought a new CRT for the scope and it works fine.
and B.T.W. just cause its 20 some years old, it still kicks ass.
I have no need or desire for a "digital" scope. I like to see
all the signal, and in real time too.

Sam Goldwasser

Techie said:
WOW....I wasn't expecting such a debate over my post.
To answer some questions, the pins were sheered off
when the scope was dropped, the CRT slid towered the
rear, there is a shroud that covers the crt, pins hit the shroud
and were cut off right where the meet the glass.
There is enough metal there to make contact.
the wires that lead up to the broken pins are very thin with
little insulation.
in fact I did hold the pins in place and it did work,
but at the time I could not get the right type of silver epoxy.

All this occurred some time ago.
But I still have the old CRT, and im sure it could made to work
if anyone needs it.
I have since bought a new CRT for the scope and it works fine.
and B.T.W. just cause its 20 some years old, it still kicks ass.
I have no need or desire for a "digital" scope. I like to see
all the signal, and in real time too.

I'll second that. What I'd really like is a hybrid scope - one which
is capable of displaying the signal on an analog CRT but superimposed
on that can have digital storage, and the analysis functions that go
with it.

But, give me a 485 or 2465 any day and I'll be a happy camper. :)

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Jim Yanik

WOW....I wasn't expecting such a debate over my post.
To answer some questions, the pins were sheered off
when the scope was dropped, the CRT slid towered the
rear, there is a shroud that covers the crt, pins hit the shroud
and were cut off right where the meet the glass.
There is enough metal there to make contact.
the wires that lead up to the broken pins are very thin with
little insulation.
in fact I did hold the pins in place and it did work,
but at the time I could not get the right type of silver epoxy.

All this occurred some time ago.
But I still have the old CRT, and im sure it could made to work
if anyone needs it.
I have since bought a new CRT for the scope and it works fine.
and B.T.W. just cause its 20 some years old, it still kicks ass.
I have no need or desire for a "digital" scope. I like to see
all the signal, and in real time too.

I don't believe the CRT moved,probably the neck shield moved.The CRT is
clamped to the front frame by a ring and 4 Tor-X screws,I remember this
because the screws had to be torqued to a specific in-lb setting to provide
proper grip on the CRT ceramic bell without cracking the faceplate.

Jim Yanik

I'll second that. What I'd really like is a hybrid scope - one which
is capable of displaying the signal on an analog CRT but superimposed
on that can have digital storage, and the analysis functions that go
with it.

The 468 was such an instrument;a 100Mhz analog scope with a 10Mhz digital
storage section tacked on the rear. Or the 465 with the digital storage
module (optional)piggyback where a DM44 option used to be.Not very good
BW,though,good for audio and not much more.


Probably so Jim.
It was a while ago, One thing for sure. Something moved
fast enough to knock them off.

P.S. i also have an Old 465, i never knew there was a digital option.
are you sure the 465 had that? This is a good scope, but purely
an analog design. dosent look like the had any thoughts of digital
on this old beast. Lots of Push in shitches and rotary dials
and such.
My 465 makes my 2465 look like brand new.

Jim Yanik

Probably so Jim.
It was a while ago, One thing for sure. Something moved
fast enough to knock them off.

P.S. i also have an Old 465, i never knew there was a digital option.
are you sure the 465 had that?

Yes,I had one of them in my "parts box".It used the same housing and PS as
a DM44. A really limited digital storage,though.

Jim Adney

Or the 465 with the digital storage
module (optional)piggyback where a DM44 option used to be.

Huh, really? I thought I was familiar with 465s, but I never heard of
this option. I assume you mean the 465B, because I thought the 465
used the DM42 or 43.

My 465B service manual doesn't mention this option. When was it
offered? What was it called/named/numbered?



I wouldnt get too excited jim.
Think about how old these scopes are and what the avarage amounts
of RAM were available at the time. I seriously doubt this gadget
would hold very many captures.

Personally if i need a capture of anything, i just take out my digital
camera and take a screen shot of the scope.
Works fine for me.

Jim Yanik

Huh, really? I thought I was familiar with 465s, but I never heard of
this option. I assume you mean the 465B, because I thought the 465
used the DM42 or 43.

My 465B service manual doesn't mention this option. When was it
offered? What was it called/named/numbered?


No,the 1st 465DM was the DM43,followed by the DM44 with delta time,1/delta
time.And the digital storage option was not on the 465B,it was only on the
465.(the 468 was out by that time,I believe)It was rather rare,and not very
good.It's been a long time so I can't recall the exact designation,it could
possibly have been a "modified product".But I had a intermittent working
one in my board box.

I still have a DM44-"JY" where I cut off the DTime/1/Dt section(burned out
by a customer who hooked up ribbon cables wrong)from a DM44 PCB and added a
simple regulated PS,put it in two DM case halves,and made a 'stand-alone
DMM' for a 3.5 digit bench meter.I liked to innovate on my free time!
(DCV and ohms only)

Jim Yanik

I wouldnt get too excited jim.
Think about how old these scopes are and what the avarage amounts
of RAM were available at the time. I seriously doubt this gadget
would hold very many captures.

Very true. Low resolution,too,IIRC a 8-bit -slow- ADC.(Burr-Brown)
Personally if i need a capture of anything, i just take out my digital
camera and take a screen shot of the scope.
Works fine for me.

One can use a video camera and a VCR or a camcorder for a cheapo

Jim Adney

I wouldnt get too excited jim.
Think about how old these scopes are and what the avarage amounts
of RAM were available at the time. I seriously doubt this gadget
would hold very many captures.

I'm really not at all interested in adding this option to my 465B. I
was just interested in the fact that this option existed even though I
don't think I've ever seen it in any of the Tek catalogs or manuals
that I've perused.

I am simply curious about it.
