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Maker Pro

technics repair help


Rebecca York

I recently acquired a Technics SA-410 receiver. Upon power up it immediately
goes into protect mode(overheat circuit) Have tested outputs at speaker
connects meter shows open. NE body have ideas as to what else could be
wrong? This occurs with speakers on or off unit

JVC dude

probably dry joints on the main pcb. many of the components that run hot
weaken/fracture their joints.
its probably a real sod to strip down to get at the bottom of the board
(unless you're lucky and theres a removable panel)

after you've eliminated dry joints ad the problem 's still there then its
probably a blown main amp module
you will read open outputs since the relay is open in protect mode

Jerry G.

In these receivers, most of the time, the main output devices are blown.
After replacement of them, it is important to make sure that the driver
devices are also not defective. Check that all the bias components also in
proper spec. If there are any defective components after replacing the
output components, they can be instantly damaged again when the unit is
powered back up.

You would be best off having an experienced service tech do this type of
repair for you. It is very often that I have seen people spend a lot of
money on parts to try to do these repairs themselves, and then damage the
new parts after replacement.


Jerry G.

I recently acquired a Technics SA-410 receiver. Upon power up it immediately
goes into protect mode(overheat circuit) Have tested outputs at speaker
connects meter shows open. NE body have ideas as to what else could be
wrong? This occurs with speakers on or off unit

Jeff Rigby

Rebecca York said:
I recently acquired a Technics SA-410 receiver. Upon power up it immediately
goes into protect mode(overheat circuit) Have tested outputs at speaker
connects meter shows open. NE body have ideas as to what else could be
wrong? This occurs with speakers on or off unit
Protect as in PROTECT THE SPEAKER! A relay opens up the output to the
speakers so you don't smoke them. The output voltage (DC) of one or more of
the amps is above the threshold voltage (somewhere around 1 v dc).

Mark D. Zacharias

Technics models are notorious for bad solder connections at the output IC's
and at the voltage regulators.

Mark Z.


Mark D. Zacharias said:
Technics models are notorious for bad solder connections at the output IC's
and at the voltage regulators.

They're also notorious for blowing expensive output modules. (One repair
facility I worked at called them 'buffalo chips.')
