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Tech Meltdown Hits


Proteus VII

Tech meltdown hits some harder than others
The Associated Press
7:28 PM EST January 22, 2009

The economic recession is hurting every industry, and technology is no
exception - big names like Microsoft Corp., Intel Corp. and Dell Inc.
have had layoffs as they try to cut costs and stay competitive amid
declining sales.

But the effects of the meltdown haven't been spread evenly across the
sector - even within companies, sales of certain products may fall while
others are more resilient. It seems that the health of tech companies
has a lot to do with what they sell, and who their customers are."It's
definitely a mixed and complicated picture here," Forrester Research
analyst Andy Bartels said.

Here are some questions and answers about how the tech industry is
weathering the financial crisis.
Q: How is this recession different for tech companies than the last one?

A: The 2001 recession stemmed in large part from the bursting of the
tech industry bubble. This time around, the industry has been caught up
in the downturn but is not a major cause - areas like housing and
banking are taking much of the blame.

Another difference: Nowadays, products like MP3 players and cell phones
are more integrated than ever into consumers' everyday lives, and
software and computers are increasingly intertwined with companies'
operating needs.

Q: How are companies that sell things like cell phones and computers
being affected thus far?

A: Retail sales, both on and off the Web, have been slowing as consumers
put off buying new things - electronics included. According to The NPD
Group, U.S. holiday sales of electronics and computers dropped 5.7
percent compared with last year.

This drop-off in spending hurt companies from Intel, which is seeing
less demand for its computer chips as PC sales drop, to Nokia Corp.,
which said the number of cell phones it shipped during the fourth
quarter dropped 15 percent from the year-ago quarter.
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From: [email protected] (Archimedes' Lever)
Tech meltdown
    Look folks! The Donnytard is back at it. Even after the
retarded little pussy said it wasn't him.

Stop embarassing yourself, Troll.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

Archimedes' Lever

From: [email protected] (Archimedes' Lever)
Tech meltdown
    Look folks! The Donnytard is back at it. Even after the
retarded little pussy said it wasn't him.

Stop embarassing yourself, Troll.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

What's the matter, retard Roy? Does the truth hurt?

Know what that sting is? That's pride, fuckhead.

I am proud to have exposed you, you racist, bigoted, homophobic,
uneducated, mentally convoluted fucking Usenet group abusing jackass!

Look folks! The Roy retard is back. Even after the retarded little
bastard said he was leaving.


Mr. Harasser: You're like a dirty feather floating about in thin air,
when the rain brings you down, I'll enjoy the sight better.


Archimedes' Lever

Mr. Harasser: You're like a dirty feather floating about in thin air,
when the rain brings you down, I'll enjoy the sight better.

When the reign brings you down, I'll enjoy the Usenet better.


From: [email protected] Archimeturds' Lever<=Flamming
You're like a dirty feather floating about in thin air,
when the rain brings you down, I'll enjoy the sight better.
    When the reign brings you down, I'll enjoy the Usenet
better. <==If you didn't flame folk with your Idiotic Retarded Gay
Racist Slurs you could enjoy it too, but for now - Keep Dreaming Troll,
I'll be around every available medium long after your annoying,
trolloping, flaming ass dies.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

Archimedes' Lever

From: [email protected] Archimeturds' Lever<=Flamming
You're like a dirty feather floating about in thin air,
when the rain brings you down, I'll enjoy the sight better.
    When the reign brings you down, I'll enjoy the Usenet
better. <==If you didn't flame folk with your Idiotic Retarded Gay
Racist Slurs you could enjoy it too, but for now - Keep Dreaming Troll,
I'll be around every available medium long after your annoying,
trolloping, flaming ass dies.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

Look, Roy. I have NEVER made a gay slur. That is ALL YOU DO.

Do you even understand the difference?

Roy... You are "available" from WebTV. That is A: obsolete, and B: not
"every available medium".

In other words, you retarded twit, you are about as far behind the
technology curve as any person can possibly get. And you PAY THEM for
their "SERVICE"! Bwuahahahahaah!

Hahahah... yeah, Roy... they are servicing you alright. How does it
feel when it is slipping in?

Trollopping is not a word, Roy. Is there anything about you that isn't
100% retarded?


From: [email protected] (Archimedes' Lever) <=Loser
Racist Troll
[email protected] Archimeturds' Lever<=Flamming
You're like a dirty feather floating about in thin air, when
the rain brings you down, I'll enjoy the sight better.     When
the reign brings you down, I'll enjoy the Usenet better. <==If you
didn't flame folk with your Idiotic Retarded Gay Racist Slurs you could
enjoy it too, but for now - Keep Dreaming Troll, I'll be around every
available medium long after your annoying, trolloping, flaming ass dies.
                Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]
    Look, Roy. I have NEVER made a gay slur. That is ALL YOU DO.
    Do you even understand the difference?
    Roy... You are "available" from WebTV. That is A: obsolete,
and B: not "every available medium".
    In other words, you retarded twit, you are about as far
behind the technology curve as any person can possibly get. And you PAY
THEM for their "SERVICE"! Bwuahahahahaah!
    Hahahah... yeah, Roy... they are servicing you alright. How
does it feel when it is slipping in?
    Trollopping is not a word, Roy. Is there anything about you
that isn't 100% retarded? [u r a faggot, closet boy]
No, you say Disability Slurs instead.What a Great Fucking Man that makes
you ! just facinating', a total gentlemen.....

You made Trolloping a word, Troll.
It is All THAT YOU DO., Trollop in and out of a.e.e. like it's your

I just called you gay to counteract your retard, but I wouldn't be
surprised if you are some homo introrvert by the way you mask your true
self to run your little campaign of harassment, you wretch.

Don't try and pass your twisted justifications here, you aren't
justified., & go smoke your crap elsewhere, Biggot.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

Archimedes' Lever

No, you say Disability Slurs instead.What a Great Fucking Man that makes
you ! just facinating', a total gentlemen.....

No, idiot. NOT "retarded" like someone with a disability. Roy, YOU are
"retarded" as in someone that *would be* intelligent, but demonstrates
time and time again just how many steps BACKWARD (retardation) you can
take mankind and yourself.

You are beyond being able to understand, so I do not expect you to.

Archimedes' Lever

Don't try and pass your twisted justifications here,

You're a goddamned idiot, Roy. You know... A RETARD!
you aren't

It's not for you to say, you Period-Comma RETARD! You are the group
invader. I have proof.
& go smoke your crap elsewhere,

It is really none of your goddamned business, fuckhead.

The word is BIGOT, you RETARDED ****! That is what YOU are, Roy.


From: [email protected] (Archimedes' Lever)
On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:42:14 -0500, [email protected] (Roy) wrote:
Don't try and pass your twisted justifications here,
    You're a goddamned idiot, Roy. You know... A RETARD!
  you aren't
    It's not for you to say, you Period-Comma RETARD! You are
the group invader. I have proof.
& go smoke your crap elsewhere,
    It is really none of your goddamned business, fuckhead.
    The word is BIGOT, you RETARDED ****! That is what YOU are,

You are the most GAY inconsiderate bastard usenet has - why don't you
just disgrace the group with One Reply - all you write is Flaming TROLL
shit anyway.

At least you know just how to spell what you are., you sick low down
self indulgent prejudiced motherfucker, that is what YOU are, FAGGOT.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]


[email protected] (Archimedes' Lever) The Gay Troll
On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:42:14 -0500, [email protected] (Roy) wrote:
No, you say Disability Slurs instead.What a Great Fucking Man that makes
you ! just facinating', a total gentlemen.....
    No, idiot. NOT "retarded" like someone with a disability.
Roy, YOU are "retarded" as in someone that *would be* intelligent, but
demonstrates time and time again just how many steps BACKWARD
(retardation) you can take mankind and yourself.
    You are beyond being able to understand, so I do not expect
you to.
Then quit trying to explain, are you so "gay" you need everyone to
understand you? THAT'S GAY DUDE.Hell if I see a retarded individual on
the street and try explaining something and he acts like Duh' or
goesTerrets on me, I just walk away, he was smart enough to make it to
the place I found him, he can certainly get along on his own.

Dammit! what are you my fairy godtroll?

You are the one that has made a whole big deal about it.So I'm
retarded, you're a fucking faggot, **** it I don't care, I don't like
you, get a clue, leave me alone.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

Archimedes' Lever

[email protected] (Archimedes' Lever) The Gay Troll
On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:42:14 -0500, [email protected] (Roy) wrote:
No, you say Disability Slurs instead.What a Great Fucking Man that makes
you ! just facinating', a total gentlemen.....
    No, idiot. NOT "retarded" like someone with a disability.
Roy, YOU are "retarded" as in someone that *would be* intelligent, but
demonstrates time and time again just how many steps BACKWARD
(retardation) you can take mankind and yourself.
    You are beyond being able to understand, so I do not expect
you to.

**** you, Roy. You are so fucking stupid that despite the fact that
EVERYONE EXPLAINS EVERYTHING to your DUMB ASS, you still can't get a
grasp on reality.
are you so "gay" you need everyone to
understand you?

Not gay, you REATARDED ****!

No, Roy, but your remarks do prove that you are retarded.
Hell if I see a retarded individual on
the street and try explaining something and he acts like Duh' or
goesTerrets on me, I just walk away,

Yes, Roy. We can tell. That why we do not like you. You are a
bigoted, retarded little bastard.
he was smart enough to make it to
the place I found him,

Leave retarded folks alone, Roy. You cannot help anyone in the world,
no matter how hard you try, so give it up, asshole.
he can certainly get along on his own.

A retarded, bigoted **** like you wouldn't know.
Dammit! what are you my fairy godtroll?

No, I am your worst nightmare.
You are the one that has made a whole big deal about it.

No, I didn't. You were fine until you mouthed off like a little ten
year old pussy boy. You bad mouthed my mom. For that, you are lucky to
still be alive. This treatment you get here is mild, boy.
So I'm

You most certainly are, fuckhead.
you're a fucking faggot,

No, I am not, fuckhead.
**** it I don't care,

Apparently you do. You actually draft posts about that instead of
anything even remotely related to the topic this group is about.
I don't like

Good for you, pussy boy.
get a clue, leave me alone.

**** off, then die, and leave this fucking group while you are at it,
and you will get your wish. Remain here, and all your stupidity will be
outlined with every post you make. You deserve nothing less.


From: [email protected] (Archimedes' Lever)
On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 00:26:37 -0500, [email protected] (Roy) wrote:
[email protected] (Archimedes' Lever) The Gay Troll
On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:42:14 -0500, [email protected] (Roy) wrote: No,
you say Disability Slurs instead.What a Great Fucking Man that makes you
! just facinating', a total gentlemen.....     No, idiot. NOT
"retarded" like someone with a disability. Roy, YOU are "retarded" as in
someone that *would be* intelligent, but demonstrates time and time
again just how many steps BACKWARD (retardation) you can take mankind
and yourself.     You are beyond being able to understand, so I
do not expect you to.
Then quit trying to explain,
    **** you, Roy. You are so fucking stupid that despite the
WAYS CREEP you still can't get a grasp on reality.<=Whos Reality, Yours?
  are you so "gay" you need everyone to
understand you?
    Not gay, you REATARDED ****!<=you sure carry on like one
    No, Roy, but your remarks do prove that you are retarded.
<=you BRING OUT THE WORSE in people
Hell if I see a retarded individual on
the street and try explaining something and he acts like Duh' or
goesTerrets on me, I just walk away,
    Yes, Roy.   We can tell. That why we<= ARE YOU FRENCH,
WHO'S WE? do not like you. You are a bigoted, retarded little
bastard.<=just like you are a prejudice closet homosexual bastard
  he was smart enough to make it to
the place I found him,
    Leave retarded folks alone, Roy. You cannot help anyone in
the world, no matter how hard you try, so give it up, asshole.<= too
late scumsucker I am certified to helped others you think everyone is an
he can certainly get along on his own.
    A retarded, bigoted **** like you wouldn't know. <= a crazed
lusty glory fag like you does?
Dammit! what are you my fairy godtroll?
    No, I am your worst nightmare.<=Hahaha Goodnight Freddy
You are the one that has made a whole big deal about it.
    No, I didn't. You were fine until you mouthed off like a
little ten year old pussy boy. You bad mouthed my mom. For that, you are
lucky to still be alive.<==It cuts both ways you started PUTTING DOWN Me
& My Birthright you sick ****
This treatment you get here is mild, boy.<= YOU OFFENDED ME ! you're
lucky I am a fairly nice, warm caring law abiding person.
So I'm retarded,
    You most certainly are, fuckhead.<=Just like you're gay
you're a fucking faggot,
    No, I am not, fuckhead.<=Then come out of the closet and
I'll leave like in your dreams, Shithead.
**** it I don't care,
    Apparently you do. You actually draft posts about that
instead of anything even remotely related to the topic this group is
about.<=I'd like to remain without Freaking Out from being harassed by
you or your sock puppets but yo're relentless
  I don't like you,
    Good for you, pussy boy.<= closet girlie shut the **** up
with the insults.
get a clue, leave me alone.
    **** off, then die, and leave this fucking group while you
are at it, and you will get your wish. Remain here, and all your
stupidity will be outlined with every post you make. You deserve nothing
**** You Then ! I am NOT RETARDED YOU HOMSEXAUL....I'm Disabled.

You keep this shit up harassing me like it's your duty, but it's more of
a retarded gay fixation, Idiot... Don't try to cast the beam out of my
eye, when you have a pretty big splinter in yours...

These rants and decision of yours to point out my alleged stupidity only
points out that You are a closet case, admit it closet boy, just leave
me alone you are not getting any satisfaction from me.

I am also much better at Electrical Engineering Technology & Work than
you are, for the Retard unSchooled **** you think I am. My posts and
responses shouldn't worry you at all, closet case..

You on the other hand, who knows what access you have to sensitive data
and equipment or how many lives depend on you - you are a living
nightmare you stupid sick ****..Shame on the mess you've created !

Why don't you tell us your real agenda?

Are you scared of your own shadow?

{{{{{You're Being a Hater}}}}} Get over it.

Accept, Forgive and Move On......

I don't hold grudges for long you on the other hand keep posting hate in
your replies, there are No Idiots Here...
Behave yourself and all will be well.

Smile, and the World will Smile with you.

Trouble is you've Violated your own Code of Conduct with your Trollops.


It's hard for you to turn back now, right?
YOU'RE AFRAID OF THE MONSTER YOU'VE BECOME - I can clean the slate and
align myself without any of your help, can You do the same?

I am not afraid to be myself....a studious, applied, decent but down to
earth, long suffering, hard working, amicable person.

The group deserves nothing less.

Roy Q.T.
[have tools, will travel]

Archimedes' Lever

    **** you, Roy. You are so fucking stupid that despite the
WAYS CREEP you still can't get a grasp on reality.

You do not explain ANYTHING, Roy, so NO, it does NOT work both ways
simply because you don't know a goddamned thing about the topic.

Archimedes' Lever

<= too
late scumsucker I am certified to helped others you think everyone is an

Is it just me or is there something completely wrong with an idiot that
makes a remark like this?

You are certified. You are certifiable however. As a fucking loon.

Archimedes' Lever

.<=Hahaha Goodnight Freddy

In your dreams, RoyFag. The only thing you are a mirror image of is a
small desiccated pile of shit.

Archimedes' Lever

**** You Then ! I am NOT RETARDED YOU HOMSEXAUL....I'm Disabled.

No, you are not a birth deformed retard. You are a self made retard.
Your retardedness comes from the mindset which YOU propagated for

It doesn't get any more stupid than a fucktard that cannot handle being
wrong, and you are that in nearly every case.

Archimedes' Lever

I am also much better at Electrical Engineering Technology & Work than
you are,

No, you are not. Do you get 15 or 20 hours of OT a day where you get to
make the world a safer place? NO. Your "contribution" to society is the
abuse you perform in this group. You do not do anything on any day that
is not for the betterment of ROY'S ass. You have never done anything for
others in your life, and your attitude here proves it.

for the Retard unSchooled **** you think I am.

You obviously are, or you would not be in here abusing this group with
the excuse that you are abusing me.
My posts and
responses shouldn't worry you at all, closet case..

I'll bet you feel a little bit more secure when you make such retarded
accusations, but the reality hits home when I respond with more RoyFag
RoyFacts. I will dig some more up. It looks like you need another slap
in the face, idiot.