Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tearing horizontal on F35751MBJX1 RCA CTC169BG5


Jason D.

Came in sick unresponsive, have standby power and CR4118 correct.

After cleaning up area removed parts to get at ick and cleaned removed
individually. Now ick is all gone on everything. That pair of caps
that oozed on the jungle area also replaced. Jungle IC replaced from
another chassis. Got it going but turn off and back on blew HOT.
Darn! Replaced horizontal driver filter cap (4.7uF 50V), worn out
22ohm resistor (part finder specifies 1/2W (done, old resistor was
factory 1/4W , new HOT from RCA got it going great and many turn off
and on didn't blow HOT, runs cool.

Current problem: Tearing or spinning horizontally lines at a
Now last problem is seen finally. Fast horizontal tearing like you
have wrong horizontal freq locked in on a old monitor with off freq
horizontal feed. Did get good audio, B+ is right on.

CR4118 voltage in run mode is even better than I've seen, 13.8V

Any comments? Googled with no luck, tried website forum
for info, not have this problem.




Does this set have the PIP module? I've seen the rubber buttons melt inside the
can and cause some odd video problems...

Jason D.

Does this set have the PIP module? I've seen the rubber buttons melt inside the
can and cause some odd video problems...

Yes does have PIP and I fixed like that before once on other RCA
CTC169 by replacing the PIP adapter for non-pip type except:

Like I said before:
But, this was not the *original* fault. The fault was no-start
problem yet SMPS and CR4118 isn't the problem. I replaced jungle and
two caps for the jungle (two 180uF 16V I thnk) cleaned up junk that
caps leaked.

