I just bought a nicely made scale for weighing up to 11 lbs, with a
resolution of 0.1oz, or 5 kg with a resolution of 1g. It cost me $15.
Since I have a bunch of precise weights for reference, I checked the scale.
It was accurate to 1g at 500g. It was also possible to zero out a 2kg
weight and then weigh a 1g weight. That's pretty good performance for a $15
scale. I wonder what they use for a sensor. It's powered by a pair of
lithium batteries.
Norm Strong
resolution of 0.1oz, or 5 kg with a resolution of 1g. It cost me $15.
Since I have a bunch of precise weights for reference, I checked the scale.
It was accurate to 1g at 500g. It was also possible to zero out a 2kg
weight and then weigh a 1g weight. That's pretty good performance for a $15
scale. I wonder what they use for a sensor. It's powered by a pair of
lithium batteries.
Norm Strong