Maker Pro
Maker Pro

tapping enamel wire


Allan Adler

I spent some time today reading the first installment of The Impoverished
Radio Experimenter. The author describes how to wind #24 enamel wire around
a Quaker Corn Meal box. He mentions "tapping" the wire at certain points
and I do have some idea of why he would want to do that and at what locations
along the wire, but I'm unclear about details of how the actual tapping is
supposed to be done. For example, is one supposed to cut the enamel
insulation and solder a lead to the wire there or is there some kind of
clip that will penetrate the enamel and make the connection?



I spent some time today reading the first installment of The Impoverished
Radio Experimenter. The author describes how to wind #24 enamel wire around
a Quaker Corn Meal box. He mentions "tapping" the wire at certain points
and I do have some idea of why he would want to do that and at what locations
along the wire, but I'm unclear about details of how the actual tapping is
supposed to be done. For example, is one supposed to cut the enamel
insulation and solder a lead to the wire there or is there some kind of
clip that will penetrate the enamel and make the connection?

One technique is to use a narrow strip of cardboard the length of the
coil form (oatmeal/cornmeal box in your case). At each point where you
want a tap, run the wire over the cardboard, then lift the cardboard and
continue winding until the next tap, when you fold the cardboard strip
down and again run the wire over the cardboard ... repeat as needed.
When you're finished with the coil, you can use sandpaper to remove the
enamel from the taps for soldering. I notice that someone else suggested
making loops, which is also a common technique.


Allan Adler

Thanks to you and Stephen Rush for the helpful answers. Now all I need is
some #24 enamel wire. I have very bad luck using electronics suppliers'
websites with my ancient browser. So, maybe I should start collecting
catalogues, if I can get them for free.

I also built a crystal set when I was a kid, but I learned nothing from
the experience. It was just a kit, no explanations other than how to build
it. If I did it again now, things would be different.

I also like the Impoverished Radio Experimenter's discussion of building
your own variable capacitors. He doesn't make it clear, though, how one
attaches the plates along the axis.

Yukio YANO

Allan said:
Thanks to you and Stephen Rush for the helpful answers. Now all I need is
some #24 enamel wire. I have very bad luck using electronics suppliers'
websites with my ancient browser. So, maybe I should start collecting
catalogues, if I can get them for free.
try a Electric Motor rewinding Shop !
Yukio YANO


Thanks to you and Stephen Rush for the helpful answers. Now all I need is
some #24 enamel wire. I have very bad luck using electronics suppliers'
websites with my ancient browser. So, maybe I should start collecting
catalogues, if I can get them for free.

No need for an ancient browser Mozilla works for most things and will
keep you secure - there's a lot of "extensions" to customize the
functionality like "no script" and "ad blocker." No script blocks by
default so you have to allow scripting for some shopping.

I keep a Netscape 4.7 around

Opera is free too.

Allelectronics has a paper catalog
Electronic Goldmine has a paper catalog and plenty of surplus magnet
wire selling for close to scrap prices
Edlie electronics - paper and some really old stuff but if you need
ferrite rods they have them
American Science and Surplus
Jameco limited stock but better prices than the big guys
As well as Newark, Mouser, Digikey - bigger than phone books these

We got some pretty good results using sliders on coils for crystal
sets. Particularly for antenna tuners - maybe the shorted turn
problem is over hyped?