Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Synchronizing FPGAs


Leroy Tanner

Hello newsreaders,

For a while I have been confronted with the following task which I find
quite challenging but unfortuantely didn't manage to solve it, yet.
What I want to do is to use 2-4 FPGAs (Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro) together on one
printed circuit board (PCB). They are used to process a large amount of
incoming serial data (data rates of several GHz's). My idea is to handle
that data parallel by the 2-4 FPGAs. But now there arises the problem how to
adequately split the data and how to synchronize the FPGAs among one
another, in particular?
Is it possible or first of all a realistic idea to synchronize multiple
FPGAs in the GHz range? How can this be done without much protocoll
overhead? I would like to do it without applying an extra transfer protocoll
among the FPGAs just for that purpose! Up to this date I didn't find a
proper solution, yet.
Maybe someone can give me a hint? Any ideas how to solve that problem?

Regards, Leroy Tanner