Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sylvania (Funai) TV 6420FE Goes Off Right After Turned On




I have a Sylvania (Funai) TV model 6420FE (mfg 01/05) in
my shop. Note: I do not have a SM for this set.

The TV goes off about a second after it is turned on. There
is HV and the regulated B+ goes to +115V at turn on. There
is vertical deflection based on the "buzz" sound I "picked up"
near the yoke. Anyone fix one of these with the same symptom?

Thanks in advance, Brad

Before you type your password, credit card number, etc.,
be sure there is no active key logger (spyware) in your PC.

Inty XP


I have a Sylvania (Funai) TV model 6420FE (mfg 01/05) in
my shop. Note: I do not have a SM for this set.

The TV goes off about a second after it is turned on. There
is HV and the regulated B+ goes to +115V at turn on. There
is vertical deflection based on the "buzz" sound I "picked up"
near the yoke. Anyone fix one of these with the same symptom?ù

Try to remove the HOT and connect a 60 Watt 240V or two 60 Watt 120V lamps
in series
one wire where was the collector, and the other wire at the ground.