Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Switching of Quasar VH430-K to video input without remote


Viatcheslav Riabov

Good time of the day everybody!
Does anybody here know any trick on how to switch VCR Quasar VH430-K
to video input without any remote control.
We use a big number of those for different applications and people have a
tendency to lose remote controls.
Thank you
Viatcheslav Riabov


"Viatcheslav Riabov" bravely wrote to "All" (23 Nov 04 09:15:47)
--- on the heady topic of "Switching of Quasar VH430-K to video input without remote"

VR> From: [email protected] (Viatcheslav Riabov)

VR> Good time of the day everybody!
VR> Does anybody here know any trick on how to switch VCR Quasar VH430-K
VR> to video input without any remote control.
VR> We use a big number of those for different applications and people
VR> have a tendency to lose remote controls.
VR> Thank you
VR> Viatcheslav Riabov

It is simply a bother not to include a video/tv switch on the front
panel but many vcrs do this. One trick I've found is to play a
tape then stop it. This forces the vcr to switch. Another trick is to
tune the vcr to the AUX channel or channel 0. Of course a $5 universal
remote might be the easiest...


.... I ran Doublespace on my monitor & get 2 more TV channels.