Maker Pro
Maker Pro

switch with indicator light

OK so this eels like a dumb questionn but I took a SPST with an indicator light that is set up so that when the switch is on, it also completes the circuit on the indicator LED. The - wire on the indicator LED is connected to one prong and there is a 3rd prong for the indicator LED's + wire. The indicator LED runs on a separate little battery. I wanna is use this on an ebike but to do that, I must connect a "power on" wire to the system + wire. If you put your multimeter probes on the "power on" wire and the system + wire, you would read system voltage. Can I use that same set of prongs to carry the - wire that powers the indicator LED? So, would I not burn out the LED by somehow giving it the full system voltage (48V)?
Pic not related upload_2021-7-2_23-50-24.png
The illuminated switch will have max voltage and max amps printed on it (hopefully).
The terminals should be numbered 1,2 and 3 or A,B and C (hopefully).
The internal LED will have a current limiting resistor for the given Maximums.

I don't see what a traffic light has to do with anything!
Upload a picture or link of your switch.
