Maker Pro
Maker Pro

"Super Moon In My Room" tweak- time delay shutoff circuits?

This is probably a simple question if you know the answer, just like Regis used to say on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.

The subject: Super Moon In My Room. This is sold as a toy but is actually a pretty neat gadget for astronomers and people who just like the moon, or interesting lights. The device has a built in clock that you can sync with the Moon phases, so you click the remote and the moon lights up showing the current Moon phase. You can see it described here:

Now the makers of the light have it set up two ways. There's an AC adapter, and if you use this, the Moon, once clicked, will stay on indefinitely until you turn it off. This is not exactly ideal.... as you can see reviews on Amazon where the light bulbs have been burning out from being forgot and left on for days on end.
But when you click it on running on batteries, the Moon lights up for about 15 minutes and then shuts off. This is better but its far too short a time to work as a nightlight- what would be great is say 4 or 6 hours.

My suspicion is there's some kind of a timeout chip, or 'Power Off Time Delay Relay Circuit', as is talked about on YouTube, in the device that can be replaced.
Can anyone tell me how they would go about tweaking this so that it would stay on longer?
First, identify the device that's doing the timing. This means opening it up and either posting a picture of the insides or knowing which component it is and telling us the device (manufacturers) type number printed on it.