Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sunbeam Heated Mattress Pad Won't Stay ON

Hello. I am trying to repair the controller for my sunbeam heated mattress pad. If you push the button, it won't stay on. I took it apart and am looking at the circuit board and all looks well. If you push the on button, the lights blink -- like it's getting electricity, but it will not stay in the "on" and "lit" position. It just blinks and that's it. The other controller for my husbands side of the bed is fine and he can be nice and toasty. It's getting colder and I don't want to buy a new mattress pad. Can anyone help me? THANKS! Erin
First, your husband damaged your controller so that you'd move over to his side
of the bed to stay warm at night. (I wish I'd thought of that first)
Do you have the manual, or is there an on-line manual for your pad that you can
check for troubleshooting issues?
The manual should tell you what the blinking light indicates. Obviously, some type of
helpful tool to let you know there's a problem.
This time of year, we see a lot of heating blanket/pad questions.
Sometimes, opening the controller (WHEN IT'S UNPLUGGED), will let you actually
see an obvious problem. Like lint or dust on the electrical contacts to the switches,
or a broken plastic part in the assembly itself. You'll probably get other ideas in following
posts, but that's usually the place to start.
Sometimes the heating elements in the pad itself break, and there's not much you
can do about that. But the controller is a good place to start looking for the problem.
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Sadly passed away in 2015
Hi Erin and welcome to Electronics Point :)

It COULD be that the controller has detected a fault - probably an open-circuit - in the heating pad and is refusing to start because it knows there's a problem.

Can you disconnect the controller from the pad? If so, try swapping the controllers over to see whether the problem follows the controller or the pad.

Posting some photographs here might help - use Go Advanced and click the paper clip icon - but it's most likely the heating pad itself :-(