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Summer Workshop for Teachers of Lighting



Those involved in lighting education may find the following of interest.

Terry McGowan

An intensive week-long workshop for those who teach lighting, either full or
part-time, at the college level will be offered this coming summer June 26 -
July 2, 2004 at the University of New Hampshire, Durham NH, USA. 20
attendees will be accepted and grants for room, board and tuition will be
awarded to the successful applicants.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a concentrated learning experience
in the practical aspects of lighting design and technology. At past
workshops, attendees were from the departments of Interior Design,
Architecture, Theatre, Technology, Engineering and Science.

The Workshop is open to both US and international faculty and is sponsored
by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. More information
and an application form may be downloaded from the IESNA web site which is Applications must be mailed and post marked no later
than January 31, 2004.