Maker Pro
Maker Pro

substitute radio display backlight lamps

3 weeks ago I learned on this forum that I needed new incandescent backlight mini-lamps for the LCD display on my old Sharp audio system (Model SG-950CD). It appears that they are not available any longer. The circuit measures 4v across the pins and I figure they are ~50 ma power. Would 6v or 3.6v lamps work? Or what might I substitute for them? Thanks.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would consider a yellow LED (or LEDs) to preserve the ye-olde look.

Then look here for more info on driving the LED(s),
lights replacement

I would use led's, 4 volts, you could use white led's or yellow, a series resistor is calculated by follows, supply voltage of the old lamps - the led's voltage divide by the led's current rating. basic example, 4 volts - 2 volts for the led's power divided by its current say 20 ma = 100 ohms series resistor. the above can be ajusted to the led type and power of its volts and current you use. Dave.