Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Streamlining a very basic device for battery conservation


I am playing with a device i made out of old junk. It is basically
parts from an old dvd drive and a switch and led. This is what i have
so far.

I have a basic on and off switch that came with a set of fog lights for a car,
a 3v dc motor out of a dvd drive, a green led out of a power supply for an
lcd computer monitor. I have it all wired together to a 9v battery.

When i turn it on, the motor starts to spin and quickly reached top speed,
the led takes a while to come on to full brightness though.

How can i streamline this most basic project for max battery life?

thanks in advance.


hi there
welcome to the forums :)

how about drawing a circuit to show exactly how you have it hooked up
there it will be much easier to offer some suggestions
