j. whang
I acquired a viewsonic P810 monitor which almost works properly,
except for focus. It starts out from being extremely blurry and
then gradually (over few minutes interval) comes into fairly good
focus. However, the good focus dosen't last, and it abruptly
shifts back into extremely blurry focus, and then slowly works it's
way back to good focus again. This cycle repeats endlessly, and
leaving the monitor on for long periods has no effect on the
periodicity. It seems like there is gradual cycle of charging up
and breakdown of focus voltage somewhere, but I am at loss to
guess the first place to start looking. I've checked archive of
this newsgroup, but I don't believe anyone else has run into this
type of problem before. Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks
except for focus. It starts out from being extremely blurry and
then gradually (over few minutes interval) comes into fairly good
focus. However, the good focus dosen't last, and it abruptly
shifts back into extremely blurry focus, and then slowly works it's
way back to good focus again. This cycle repeats endlessly, and
leaving the monitor on for long periods has no effect on the
periodicity. It seems like there is gradual cycle of charging up
and breakdown of focus voltage somewhere, but I am at loss to
guess the first place to start looking. I've checked archive of
this newsgroup, but I don't believe anyone else has run into this
type of problem before. Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks