Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Strange features on an ancient SWPS board


Norm Dresner

Cleaning out my Hell Box, I came across two ancient boards which I'm fairly
sure were each dual SMPS's. Judging by the date codes on the IC's -- and
remembering when I probably bought them -- I'd guesstimate they were
manufactured around 1973. Each PS channel was implemented with an NE550 and
an NE555 as the controlling elements and there were 1 mH inductors too. But
there were a few "strange" [at least to me now in the 21st century]

1. Each channel had a "Four Terminal Low Inductance" capacitor (2000
mfd/7.5v). I've heard of these things before but never actually held one.
Exactly how low was [is] low inductance? What's the likely need for such a
beast in a SMPS that includes a 1 mH inductor?

2. Each channel included what I believe was a Germanium Diode (fwd vdrop =
..430v) and each diode was mounted on the board with its leads vertical
passing through a ferrite bead. Why Ge? Why the ferrite in a circuit that
contains what appears to be ample RF bypass with mica capacitors?

3. Each channel had a 1N753A 18v Zener diode in it. Using my el cheapo DMM,
I saw a fwd vdrop of ~950 mv in each one. Is this typical? From the traces
on the PCB, it appears that Vcc for the ICs was created with this Zener, a
capacitor or two, and a 2N3904 so the NE555 was IIRC pretty much being used
at the limit of its range.

4. Each channel had a bunch of 2N3904 plastic transistors and two TO-225
power transistors, an MJE340 and a 2N4919. These are pretty high voltage
transistors and I'm wondering why they might have been selected for use in a
circuit which contains a 2200mfd 7.5v capacitor which probably served as a
smoothing element.

FWIW, the boards were manufactured by Singer Business Machines and marked
"Proto Only" which may explain some of the unusual compnent choices.

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.
