Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Still no luck with Bush flat TV model LCD17TV004 display



Hello, All!
I posted this problem last week but got no response, I wonder if there is
anyone here that could point me in the right direction.? the symptom is 3"
of the display is
blanked out on the right hand side apart from a lot of fine multi coloured
vertical lines. The main part of the display is fine. does this sound like a
failed IC or is there something else I could check ?
I have experience with CRT displays but these new things are a bit of a
mystery. Any help / advice much appreciated.

With best regards, 3T39. E-mail: [email protected]


You will have to have a way to verify the drive data to the display panel.
If the data buss distribution is in specs, the fault may be in the
electronics in the panel assembly itself. This would require the proper test
facilities, experience, design information, schematics, and training for the

The only thing you can check yourself is for a simple visual cold solder
connection, or a connector that is not making contact. The service reps
service these displays by changing the modules only. They do very little
component level work in these.

The manufactures of these panels, computer monitors, and many appliances do
not sell any parts, or service manuals to non authorized service reps for
their products.



Hello, All!
I posted this problem last week but got no response, I wonder if there is
anyone here that could point me in the right direction.? the symptom is 3"
of the display is
blanked out on the right hand side apart from a lot of fine multi coloured
vertical lines. The main part of the display is fine. does this sound like a
failed IC or is there something else I could check ?
I have experience with CRT displays but these new things are a bit of a
mystery. Any help / advice much appreciated.

With best regards, 3T39. E-mail: [email protected]


Hello, JANA!
You wrote on Mon, 8 Aug 2005 09:25:57 -0400:

J> The only thing you can check yourself is for a simple visual cold solder
J> connection, or a connector that is not making contact. The service reps
J> service these displays by changing the modules only. They do very little
J> component level work in these.

J> The manufactures of these panels, computer monitors, and many appliances
J> do not sell any parts, or service manuals to non authorized service reps
J> for their products.

Yeh, I know but is it likely to be a faulty IC ? given that a three inch
section of the display isn't being addressed correctly.

With best regards, 3T39. E-mail: [email protected]
Without seeing your specific lcd panel, many (I say most), newer lcd
display panels have the driver ICs etched right into the glass of the
panel itself and are not replaceable. In which case any missing
quadrant is usually a damaged display panel. You can typically see how
the wires are going to the display to determine where the final drivers
are for the display.


If you have many multicoloured vertical lines, in my opinion the screen
is faulty. There is no (or poor) contact between screen glass and
ribbon cable which prowide picture data signal.... I have had few of
these in the past. You can try re-stick this ribbon cable to the screen
glass with a warm soldering iron , but you must be very careful couse
you can easy destroy it.