Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Still looking for NEC FS-6805S help

Hi Group, still looking for help with an NEC TV with no frame drive. I
have replaced all of the electro's in the vert. stage & also the vert.
driver IC ( LA7838).
I have supply on pin 1 of 12Vdc, Pin 8 28Vdc & Pin 13 27 Vdc.
Measuring between Pin 12 (output) & Pin 11 (Gnd) in circuit is a couple
of K. On Pin 12 I have 16.66 Vdc. (no sawtooth)
I have a copy of the cicuit for the vertical output stage & also the
page with the jungle IC on it.
Any info greatly appreciated, Ian S.

Franc Zabkar

Hi Group, still looking for help with an NEC TV with no frame drive. I
have replaced all of the electro's in the vert. stage & also the vert.
driver IC ( LA7838).
I have supply on pin 1 of 12Vdc, Pin 8 28Vdc & Pin 13 27 Vdc.
Measuring between Pin 12 (output) & Pin 11 (Gnd) in circuit is a couple
of K. On Pin 12 I have 16.66 Vdc. (no sawtooth)
I have a copy of the cicuit for the vertical output stage & also the
page with the jungle IC on it.
Any info greatly appreciated, Ian S.

Do you see a good vertical trigger input on pin 2 and a ramp generator
output on pin 6? If you disconnect the yoke plug, do you still measure
a "couple of K" between pins 12 and 11?

Can you post scans of the vertical and jungle circuits on your web

- Franc Zabkar
Franc said:
Do you see a good vertical trigger input on pin 2 and a ramp generator
output on pin 6? If you disconnect the yoke plug, do you still measure
a "couple of K" between pins 12 and 11?

Can you post scans of the vertical and jungle circuits on your web

- Franc Zabkar

Hi Franc, Thanks for the response, I have tried to Email you by
removing one 'i' but without success. Please Email me so that I can
send the scans.
Thanks again,Ian S.