Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sticky Furuno Trackball, follow up.



I finally got my 1721 sticky track ball problem solved.. I opened the radar
case and expected I would have reasonable access. What I found was the
assembly would require major disassembly of the radar display.

I'm still not sure of why it was difficult to turn, but I finally took a
damp soapy rag to the ball, got it wet and rolled it around until it seemed
to turn freely in all directions. I then wiped it dry and gave it a coat of
silcone spray. Rolled the ball around for a couple minutes and everything is
working smoothly.

I suspect it had accumulated some dust and dirt over time.. Future
maintenance will include wiping the track ball with a damp cloth.

s/v Good Intentions


As a NW cruiser - your 1st thought should have been to spray it 7
times with WD-40. It works so well for everything up there - the crab
fishermen even spray their bait with it.

"For any maintenance north of latitude 40 N - spray with WD-40"


I was a bit leary about putting any oil on the ball since it runs on a
rubber surface of the sensor shafts. Some light oils will soften the
synthetic rubbers and plastics.

s/v Good Intentions



Just an opportunity to mention that WD40 can't solve all the worlds

s/v Good Intentions


This ball is inside a watertight enclosure (kinda) and the ball runs in
rubberized shaft for each axis.. On the end of the shaft is a slotted wheel
that is runs through opical sensors.

The only way I know this is because the housing is a clear plastic.. I
assume the interior is weatherized since the water could (did) get in around
the ball. I did notice a drain hole in the bottom of this housing.

The 1721 radar with the track ball came out in the earily '90s and the MK II
has retained the same track ball technology.

I had the 1721, early version, on my last boat and really appreciated the
bright clear CRT screen.. I've looked at the LCD displays and for this
upgrade, I opted for a used MK II for it's display quality..

s/v Good Intentions