Maker Pro
Maker Pro

stepper motor control with a parralax basic stamp

I realize that this is mostly PIC and Atmel territory but I got a Parralax Basic Stamp kit as a gift awhile back. I ran through the book and then it all gathered dust. But now I may have a job lined up and knowledge of stepper motor control would be a plus. I have some steppers from various scanners. Now for the question. Does anybody know where I can info on putting the pieces together, some code and some tutorial?
try searching the web using Google or Bing. if you keep refining the query you are bound to run into something that you can use.

I realize that this is mostly PIC and Atmel territory but I got a Parralax Basic Stamp kit as a gift awhile back. I ran through the book and then it all gathered dust. But now I may have a job lined up and knowledge of stepper motor control would be a plus. I have some steppers from various scanners. Now for the question. Does anybody know where I can info on putting the pieces together, some code and some tutorial?

Sure enough, you were right Luke. I started browsing on 'H bridges' and happened on this link: