Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Stealth chopper blades



That is pretty good, so my electret mike sound guided heli smasher design will need some adjustents.

More lies. A retarded twit like you that cannot even spell the word
adjustment certainly has no advanced machinery in the works. You are
pathetic, boy.
Looks a bit like the tip of some bird wing.

You can't do that analysis worth a shit either.
Now sell anti-sound headphones to the enemy and it becomes undetectable :)

You're an idiot, even when you attempt humor.

Gang boy retard shit flows out of you like clockwork.


StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt said:
More lies. A retarded twit like you that cannot even spell the word
adjustment certainly has no advanced machinery in the works. You are
pathetic, boy.

You can't do that analysis worth a shit either.

You're an idiot, even when you attempt humor.
Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning did ya!


Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning did ya!

The OTHER point is that this Jan retarded bastard puts down THOUSANDS
of developers with his uneducated, retarded spew.

I merely put down one bona-fide, retarded, asswipe, piss poor excuse
for an intelligent, civil member of the human race.