Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Static electricity equivalent generator



Is it possible to build a circuit for generating high voltage at very low
current equivalent to that of a simple electrostatic discharge? I want to
be able to feed the thing with a 9V battery at most as this would be
intended to be a harmless desktop prop. I'm not an electrical engineer just
a hobbyist. My incentive for building this is inconsistency of operation
with a Van De Graf generator with factors like humidity etc. I've built HV
circuits before involving ignition coils but those things can get dangerous
and my circuits didn't last long. Transistors failed or got very hot. The
output current could be tuned so high that it effortlessly cut through wire
insulation where the sparks jumped.

I looked into the super-cascade circuits for this project but i'd think the
initial input voltage would have to be pretty high as well right? Also
insulation would probably be an issue since 100 kV can jump a centimeter gap
effortlessly. TV super-cascades (those rectangular blocks) would probably
be good for this kind of thing because of insulation but again the input
voltage issue.

Anyone got solid-state HV circuit plans that are not as dangerous as an
ignition could would be? I was thinking of using an oscillator to
perpetuate induction coil generating kickback voltage that would drive the
super-cascade would that work?
Paul said:
Is it possible to build a circuit for generating high voltage at
very low current equivalent to that of a simple electrostatic

We need to know what you're trying to drive. Electrostatic effects
begin at 1KV. Needing 1KV at 1uA is very different than needing
500KV at 100uA!!! A solid state VandeGraaff machine is a huge

Maybe you can use one of these 10KV supplies:

(((((((((((((((((( ( ( ( ( (O) ) ) ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
[email protected]
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA 206-789-0775 unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci