Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Stair Ways light controller

I need to build a circuit that controls the lights in stair ways as follow:
from any floor I should be able to turn on the light for that floor the turn off the rest by simply pushing a button from the floor I am currently at.
let's say if building has 5 floors, I should be able to turn on the light for second floor when I am there and if I go to 3rd floor I should be able to turn on 3rd floor light and turn off second floor.

think of it as a circuit with 5 push buttons switch and 5 LEDs. each switch can lit the LED it is connected to and turn off the rest.

Any Idea?

Multi-way switching using intermediate and two way switches, wiring is strappers (2 core)between intermediates. Depending on existing arrangement, either switch wire from one end and active from the other or run either switch wire or active with the strapper.
Get an electrician basically.
Multi-way switching using intermediate and two way switches, wiring is strappers (2 core)between intermediates. Depending on existing arrangement, either switch wire from one end and active from the other or run either switch wire or active with the strapper.
Get an electrician basically.

thank you for the reply.
actually this is not what I am actually trying to do.
I just used the stair way as an example to better explain what I need.

let's put it this way :
I have 5 LEDs that I need to turn on by 5 push buttons that are connected to each LED in a way that at any time if press any of the buttons it should turn on the LED that is connected to and turn off the rest
A shift register IC can toggle the sequence of your lights 1 thrugh 5, or say, 12, 23, 34, 45. but if you wanted it for a staircase it'd get too complicated for me.
I'm guessing you'd have to have a data structure that'd know if you were going up or down and have memory for each floor?
Design 902 B stairway switches.PNG
I need to build a circuit that controls the lights in stair ways as follow:
from any floor I should be able to turn on the light for that floor the turn off the rest by simply pushing a button from the floor I am currently at.
let's say if building has 5 floors, I should be able to turn on the light for second floor when I am there and if I go to 3rd floor I should be able to turn on 3rd floor light and turn off second floor.

think of it as a circuit with 5 push buttons switch and 5 LEDs. each switch can lit the LED it is connected to and turn off the rest.

Close thing to your stairway thing is simple as switches. One switch at the bottom of each stair and another at the top of the stairs. But this isn't "one switch turns them all off". That feature requires a controller (Arduino or such) and wiring to all stairs. Or multiple gate chips and dozens of parts with lots of wiring.

Any Idea?



Hop - AC8NS
It sounds like you want something that operates like the radio station selector buttons on a car radio. Press any one button and presto the radio tunes to a particular station and the LED associated with that button comes on. Press another button and the first LED goes off while the radio tunes to a new station and the LED for that button comes on. And so on... each button pressed lights it's associated LED while extinguishing all the other LEDs. Is that about right?

If so, that's five RS latches, each set by its own push-button switch and all the remaining latches reset when any button is pushed. Some spiffy logic is needed to avoid setting multiple RS latches with simultaneous button presses. Maybe also some means to turn off all the LEDs to avoid a whack-a-mole situation. How do you want to handle that? It is fairly easy to propagate the "set" event for any one of the five RS flip-flops as a "reset" signal to the remaining RS flip-flops because their switch buttons won't be depressed. A handful of NAND gates should do it.

Don't make me spell this out! Someone else jump in here.
I think I found what I am looking for, thanks to you guys.


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