Maker Pro
Maker Pro

SPST tact switch and rotary encoder with push switch


I'm trying to fix my Digitech RP500 guitar multieffects unit that has broken Tone library encoder and Edit switch. I contacted Digitech and they said I should contact distributers because Digitech doesn't sell spare parts directly. Distributers failed to obtain the parts so I asked digitech for specifications of the parts I need. This is what I got for an answer:

The Tone Library encoder is a 12mm 24 detent rotary encoder with a 25mm D shaft, vertical mount, and it has a push switch in the shaft.
The edit switch is a SPST tact switch, 50mA, 12vDC Radial AI type.

I searched online for the parts (Ebay, Mouser, etc...) but didn't find the exact models. If anyone could provide the direct link where can I order those parts online, I would be so greatfull!



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
But you have a part number. Try mouser, RS, etc. and see if they have it (or one similar) with a smaller order qty.
Allready did try Mouser, RS, etc.... Shipping costs are just to much. Item is about 2$ and shipping is above 35$ :(
BTW, I didn't find the part number for the SPST tact switch :(