Maker Pro
Maker Pro

SPST LED Rocker Switch Wiring


Need a little help with wiring this switch. I understand a 3 pin LED but this is a 4 pin. Looked for a wiring diagram but no luck only found a data sheet with dimensions and terminations. The power source will be 12v 10amp adapter.

Thank you kindly,

Harald Kapp

Probably 2 pins (thin) for the light, 2 pins (fat) for power.
What is the part number?
Your photos 3 and 4 are hard to read - too much reflection. Try again, please, with good lighting, no reflections. The "print" may give the necessary hints if readable.
You do not step down to 2.2V. Instead you add a current-limiting resistor in series. The resistor will be (12V - 2.0V)/10mA= 1k ohms or use 510 ohms for brighter 20mA. A 1/4W resistor will be fine. Correct polarity of the LED is important.