Maker Pro
Maker Pro

spring centered changeover switch

the switch to be replaced is about 1/2 inch, a little more.
1 lever, manually operated
3 soldering contacts
Normally both open
Move lever one way close 1 contact
Move lever the other way closes the other contact.

Who sells these in very small quantities.?
The ideal switch has a large angle being closed, not just at the end of movement, and will not overshoot when suddenly released.

toggle switch mom-off-mom

yes, you understood perfectly-
Newark came up 0, and Newark did not ship to Mexico some time ago, guess it is still the same.
At least I learned the proper description.:)
Generally these will be labeled like this

(on)-off-(on) or mom-off-mom <- these designate a momentary with a return to center

on-off-on <- this will stop and latch in any of the three states