Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Split Faraday's Law

Split Faraday's Law -- the scientific concept of the Declaration gave
me the strength to speak, I argue a long-planned cut -- is a
potential. Alternator b. DC (commutator) c generators. d DC unipolar
machines. No change to the single-pole installations Motor http : // 0105.shtml common essence,
Cutting the real potential of magnetic charge of the campaign force --
a force potential. EMF only transformer Lane in the role! Put it in
the "effective area changes" far-fetched into flux change, insert to
EMF, Lenz's law and suitable to Faraday's law, the history of the
Motor drawback is the misunderstanding! Trap, the number of brave
researchers, landed : "effective area changes" trap, They had to make
"a mistake. in AC and DC generators (commutator) Generators of cutting
potential EMF and how the stack. " Deliberately and struggle hard with
some lifetime of struggle, some hard life, and exhausted all his life.
Although their sacrifice, dedication, a little bit of inactive
ingredients, but their behavior research process and the results to
the researchers and fellow newcomers after the display : Lenz's law
and Faraday's law of limitations. Here I would like to express my
respect and some appreciation 1:00. We also hope after the newcomers
and peer : see "effective area changes" misleading, times and hold
high the banner of "cutting potential" banner, -- to continue to
progress, in-depth study! I designed several physical model : Their B
(magnetic induction) unchanged effective area can cause a change
(flux) of the changes, But I trial is ultimately have no potential. If
other researchers Motor This gives me the issue -- several models, I
immediately could handle several models to tamper become too simple
themes a perpetual motion machine. Model : Thick were in a venue the
size of two different coil (ab. cd) of the endpoint (a, b, c, d) of
the magnetic primer, a, c and the two end points into a public, link
load resistor R 1, R link to a galvanometer A, A link to a further
selection switch K, K to choose b, d 2 endpoint, switch K pull back. :
Improved Faraday disk, disk to be vice - (tentatively scheduled for 6
deputy), Under the outer end of the welding in a large metal ring, the
inner end (near the center) fixed in a small circle of insulation,
within six endpoint will be known as A, B, C, D, E, F, from the A, B,
C, D, E, F. leads parallel to the axis of the disc six segments Aa,
Bb, Cc, Dc, Ee, Application of foundation, such as long-line 6, a, b,
c, d, e, f insulation in the same size as big circle on the
circumference of the circle in the center O axis of the disk, O center
facing a, b, c, d, e, f then throwing a single broadsword six switches
(rotary), Aa, Bb, Cc, Dc. Ee, Application of foundation in fact for
the metal wire insulation, the installation of metal ring Brush M, M
series from the load resistor R, A further series ammeter, from A
single broadsword again connected to the switch throwing six points O
heart. Rotating single broadsword six throwing a switch from ¡ú b ¡ú c ¡ú
d ¡ú e f ¡ú a ¡ú. Http : //
4a1dce7004c088db2.html : Alternator somewhat similar model : 3 coils
on the rotor position crossover place, central angle of 60 degrees is
equally circumference, three coils are : 1ABCDEF4 2HKLMNP5 3WQRSTU6
(1,4), (2,5), (3,6) for the three coil finishing end, BC DE KL MN QR
ST respectively 3 effective resistance around the edge, cylindrical
rotor located on the bus, and then a series of load resistor R 1
ammeter A, This string of access to the two ends of three double-throw
switch in the center of two separate rotation to throw (1,4), (2,5),
(3, 6). Http : //


An electric broadsword with perpetual motion - just what I need. Ahll
tek 10 o' the beggars! ;0)

Split Faraday's Law -- the scientific concept of the Declaration gave
me the strength to speak, I argue a long-planned cut -- is a
potential. Alternator b. DC (commutator) c generators. d DC unipolar
machines. No change to the single-pole installations Motor http : // 0105.shtml common essence,
Cutting the real potential of magnetic charge of the campaign force --
a force potential. EMF only transformer Lane in the role! Put it in
the "effective area changes" far-fetched into flux change, insert to
EMF, Lenz's law and suitable to Faraday's law, the history of the
Motor drawback is the misunderstanding! Trap, the number of brave
researchers, landed : "effective area changes" trap, They had to make
"a mistake. in AC and DC generators (commutator) Generators of cutting
potential EMF and how the stack. " Deliberately and struggle hard with
some lifetime of struggle, some hard life, and exhausted all his life.
Although their sacrifice, dedication, a little bit of inactive
ingredients, but their behavior research process and the results to
the researchers and fellow newcomers after the display : Lenz's law
and Faraday's law of limitations. Here I would like to express my
respect and some appreciation 1:00. We also hope after the newcomers
and peer : see "effective area changes" misleading, times and hold
high the banner of "cutting potential" banner, -- to continue to
progress, in-depth study! I designed several physical model : Their B
(magnetic induction) unchanged effective area can cause a change
(flux) of the changes, But I trial is ultimately have no potential. If
other researchers Motor This gives me the issue -- several models, I
immediately could handle several models to tamper become too simple
themes a perpetual motion machine. Model : Thick were in a venue the
size of two different coil (ab. cd) of the endpoint (a, b, c, d) of
the magnetic primer, a, c and the two end points into a public, link
load resistor R 1, R link to a galvanometer A, A link to a further
selection switch K, K to choose b, d 2 endpoint, switch K pull back. :
Improved Faraday disk, disk to be vice - (tentatively scheduled for 6
deputy), Under the outer end of the welding in a large metal ring, the
inner end (near the center) fixed in a small circle of insulation,
within six endpoint will be known as A, B, C, D, E, F, from the A, B,
C, D, E, F. leads parallel to the axis of the disc six segments Aa,
Bb, Cc, Dc, Ee, Application of foundation, such as long-line 6, a, b,
c, d, e, f insulation in the same size as big circle on the
circumference of the circle in the center O axis of the disk, O center
facing a, b, c, d, e, f then throwing a single broadsword six switches
(rotary), Aa, Bb, Cc, Dc. Ee, Application of foundation in fact for
the metal wire insulation, the installation of metal ring Brush M, M
series from the load resistor R, A further series ammeter, from A
single broadsword again connected to the switch throwing six points O
heart. Rotating single broadsword six throwing a switch from ¡ú b ¡ú c
d ¡ú e f ¡ú a ¡ú. Http : //
4a1dce7004c088db2.html : Alternator somewhat similar model : 3 coils
on the rotor position crossover place, central angle of 60 degrees is
equally circumference, three coils are : 1ABCDEF4 2HKLMNP5 3WQRSTU6
(1,4), (2,5), (3,6) for the three coil finishing end, BC DE KL MN QR
ST respectively 3 effective resistance around the edge, cylindrical
rotor located on the bus, and then a series of load resistor R 1
ammeter A, This string of access to the two ends of three double-throw
switch in the center of two separate rotation to throw (1,4), (2,5),
(3, 6). Http : //