Maker Pro
Maker Pro

SPI Clock Pin No Output

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I am using STM32F103CBT7 for my design with HAL functions at a 72MHz system clock.
SPI 1 is configurated as Master, 16-bit data width at 18 MBits/s.
When sending data out, there is a data bit on the MOSI pin, but there is no Clock pulse on the SCK pin.
I can't figure out what is wrong.
Any suggestion?

Moderetors note : replaced commercial link with manufacturers link AGAIN.
Using the commercial link again may lead to a ban.
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Harald Kapp

Check the pin configuration of the SCK pin. Is it defined as output? Is it defined as SPI clock pin? Is it connected correctly in the circuit.
No code, no schematic -> no more info

Harald Kapp

Oops :rolleyes:
I haven't looked at the date.
In that case the first post in this thread is likely to be SPAM as one of my co-mods already had to replace the manufacturer's link.
As the original links (here an in his other threads) lead to commercial sites, I consider this to be spam in disguise.
Thread closed.
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