Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Speed of object with PIC 16F877a: Stuck with Timer

I am working on calculating speed of object. I have used two LDRs.
What i am trying to do is that when the object cut of the light of some laser with first LDR the timer starts and when it connect with second the timer stops. I have problem with time calculating. I am using PIC 16F877a which has 8 bit timer. it can only store count between 0-255.
Kindly help that how to use timer and do time calculations. I am stuck with prescaler, timer, polling and time calculations. Need help.
Thanks for time
Im not sure-- but will LDRs do the trick-- LDRs have very slow response time compared to microcontrollers I think itz around 5ms

I think there is a 16 bit timer in PIC16F877a --- Timer1 is a 16bit timer..

if u r only using Timer to calculate time.. I dont think u need that much calculation...
"In Timer mode, Timer1 increments every instruction
so if u r running at 4MHz that means every instruction takes 1us that means your timer would run at 1MHz... so each increment of the timer value will be after 1us...


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I believe you can set an interrupt to go off each time the timer overflows. Each time that happens you can increment a counter. If your counter has 16 bits then you will get a 24 bit count.

Alternatively, as suggested use a 16 bit counter. The same trick can be used to get as many bits as required.