Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Speech Recognition System Design



I have to design a microcontroller-based system which can control a
game based on certain words spoken by a person. Can anyone tell me
what is the best way to acquire the signal?..<i have a rough idea that
it would be a voltage signal across a mic, usually represented as a
capacitor, but I was looking for details, as in which type would give
the best response, etc..>...Any help is appreciated.....

Jan Panteltje

I have to design a microcontroller-based system which can control a
game based on certain words spoken by a person. Can anyone tell me
what is the best way to acquire the signal?..<i have a rough idea that
it would be a voltage signal across a mic, usually represented as a
capacitor, but I was looking for details, as in which type would give
the best response, etc..>...Any help is appreciated.....

Most all headsets and consumer toy mikes use an electret type microphone.
These come in several sizes, run of a few volt DC, and have a FET in it that
provides a reasonable low output impedance.
And cheap too, from 1$ up or so.
The output can be quite big, up to half a volt if you speak close,
but only microvolts if you listen to ants in the Aussie outback.
But you are probably more interested in human voice recognition.
Run some test on a scope.