Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Spectra IV not as Data Hardy as Spectra III ???


Bob La Londe

I can't seem to run 3 cameras off a KBD200A in direct mode with the
Spectra IV over a combined wire length of 200'. WHAT? I've got as
amany as 5 cameras Spectra IIIs running on one controller on other
sites. Is it a change in the cameras? Are the new models more over
sensitive? Am I just experiencing a gremlin?

Pelco from one guy to the next seems to be giving inconsistant advice


Up until today I've had pretty good luck with them, but somebody here
once stated that Pelco are not one of the best PTZ MFGs. Who is?

Bob La Londe

I can't seem to run 3 cameras off a KBD200A in direct mode with the
Spectra IV over a combined wire length of 200'.  WHAT?  I've got as
amany as 5 cameras Spectra IIIs running on one controller on other
sites.  Is it a change in the cameras?  Are the new models more over
sensitive?  Am I just experiencing a gremlin?

Pelco from one guy to the next seems to be giving inconsistant advice


Up until today I've had pretty good luck with them, but somebody here
once stated that Pelco are not one of the best PTZ MFGs.  Who is?

Well, I found the problem. My guy had left about a 20' service loop
at each camera. I cut out the service loop and they all started
working. Wow! Talk about sensitive. Geez. Well... I guess its
time to look at some other cameras. At the price of Pelco you would
think they would be bullet proof.

Bob La Londe

I can't seem to run 3 cameras off a KBD200A in direct mode with the
Spectra IV over a combined wire length of 200'.  WHAT?  I've got as
amany as 5 cameras Spectra IIIs running on one controller on other
sites.  Is it a change in the cameras?  Are the new models more over
sensitive?  Am I just experiencing a gremlin?

Pelco from one guy to the next seems to be giving inconsistant advice


Up until today I've had pretty good luck with them, but somebody here
once stated that Pelco are not one of the best PTZ MFGs.  Who is?

Well, I found the problem. My guy had left about a 20' service loop
at each camera. I cut out the service loop and they all started
working. Wow! Talk about sensitive. Geez. Well... I guess its
time to look at some other cameras. At the price of Pelco you would
think they would be bullet proof.

G. Morgan

Bob said:
Well, I found the problem. My guy had left about a 20' service loop
at each camera. I cut out the service loop and they all started
working. Wow! Talk about sensitive. Geez. Well... I guess its
time to look at some other cameras. At the price of Pelco you would
think they would be bullet proof.

That shouldn't matter, was it twisted pair?

Bob La Londe

G. Morgan said:
That shouldn't matter, was it twisted pair?

22ga Stranded shielded twisted pair. It was the only thing I could figure
when it all worked in the end.

Silicon Sam

The AD PTZs always scare me with the insect problems they introduce, as well as the
issues with those snap on teeth for making electrical connection. The
factory rep actually snapped off some teeth trying to demonstrate to us how
"solid and easy to install" they were.

Gawd, do I know what ya mean. Them fingers on the contacts suck.
And I have a location in San Antonio, TX, and the wasps around there
love to live inside the AD domes during the winters around here. And
bad thing is they don't come out en masse until the dome is off. You
can bang on the dome, loosen the screws, and as soon as the cover
drops, they come out in a mass. Not fun...

G. Morgan

Bob said:
22ga Stranded shielded twisted pair. It was the only thing I could figure
when it all worked in the end.

22ga TP/S sounds fine for the 200' runs. I wonder if maybe you just fixed a
bad termination that was unseen? Glad you got it working.

Bob La Londe

G. Morgan said:
22ga TP/S sounds fine for the 200' runs. I wonder if maybe you just fixed
bad termination that was unseen? Glad you got it working.

I don't see how. We were able to operate each camera independently, and
even two at a time. There was some kind of conflict between camera 1 and
camera 3 on the control circuit. No clue, since cutting out the service
loops fixed the problems. Myabe a combination of things and reducing the
choke ( I don't see how an 8-10" coil could have much choke affect, but...)
affect of the service loops made it work well enough. I know Pelco was sure
no help. They kept repeating the same old stuff over and over again, but
changing the details from one tech to the next. At one point one of their
guys told me I should be using Cat 5 STP like that was the whole problem.

Another told me it was RS422, when it is clearly RS485 when controlling with
a keyboard in direct mode whether using P or D protocal.

Yet another tech had me almost convinced I must have a DOA back box.

Bob La Londe

Just Looking said:
I bet Bob La Londe uses the wasp larva in the nest for bait. After he takes
the technician to the ER of course.

Are you kidding. I want to get that bait to the river as fresh as possible.
In fact I take the tech directly to the river with me as a reward for his or
her find. They don't moan to much in the back of the boat if I crank up my
iPod loud enough.

Bob La Londe


surely not..this was writen by a russian....

if he cant stand french, i bet he despise russian

Just Looking said:
Wait, don't tell me. You're listening to "Flight of the Bumble Bee" on

Bob La Londe

Petem said:
surely not..this was writen by a russian....

if he cant stand french, i bet he despise russian

HEY! HEY! Note the last name. I'm an American frog, but still a frog.
Actually my branch of the family has been here since about 1680. (French

Frank Olson

Bob said:
HEY! HEY! Note the last name. I'm an American frog, but still a frog.
Actually my branch of the family has been here since about 1680. (French

That would make you a traitor (according to Bass). :)


Bob said:
HEY! HEY! Note the last name. I'm an American frog, but still a frog.
Actually my branch of the family has been here since about 1680. (French

Wel its good to know, but just to let you know, my family came to america in
1655 with the Cargnan regiment ( a soldier) but he quit after 3 year and
started to work on his land..

i am the 10th generation..and I helped to make 2 more ;-)