Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Special LED's


Gusti Hueber

For a project I need a Hydrgen-filled LED. Can anyone tell me if these
exist, and if so, who are the manufacturers?

Michael A. Covington

Gusti Hueber said:
For a project I need a Hydrgen-filled LED. Can anyone tell me if these
exist, and if so, who are the manufacturers?

What do you mean, hydrogen-filled? Light-emitting diodes are solid.

William P.N. Smith

Gusti Hueber said:
For a project I need a Hydrgen-filled LED. Can anyone tell me if these
exist, and if so, who are the manufacturers?

I think someone sent you off in search of the wire stretcher (aka,
Wild Goose).

Spehro Pefhany

I think someone sent you off in search of the wire stretcher (aka,
Wild Goose).

Yeah, that was my first thought. Maybe it's a power indicator for use
on a floating supply.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Michael A. Covington

Or does he mean lamps like neon bulbs but with hydrogen?

Roger Gt

"Michael A. Covington" wrote
: <William P.N. Smith> wrote
: > "Gusti Hueber" wrote

: >>For a project I need a Hydrogen-filled LED. Can anyone tell me
if these
: >>exist, and if so, who are the manufacturers?
: Or does he mean lamps like neon bulbs but with hydrogen?

Hydrogen, like helium is ver hard to keep in a glass bulb for long
periods of time. It migrates through the glass! What application
would a Hydrogen filled Led have?


Gusti said:
For a project I need a Hydrgen-filled LED. Can anyone tell me if these
exist, and if so, who are the manufacturers?
Do you have contacts to Al Qaida? The could use that kind of
microbombs, but I think they prefer gigger ones.
Hydrogen is tranparent for any known LED light, so what could it be
useful for?


By the way, the plural s at the end of english words is NOT
apostrophed, not like the saxon genitive in Hueber´s.

Franc Zabkar

Do you have contacts to Al Qaida? The could use that kind of
microbombs, but I think they prefer gigger ones.
Hydrogen is tranparent for any known LED light, so what could it be
useful for?

Light Emitting Dirigible?

- Franc Zabkar