Maker Pro
Maker Pro

speaker for use with a small parabolic reflector


Bob Fnord

I want to mount a small speaker facing a small parabolic
reflector (a few cm in diameter) for directing sound.

What kind of speaker component do I need? (What's it called,
so I can find it in a catalog?)
I want to mount a small speaker facing a small parabolic
reflector (a few cm in diameter) for directing sound.

What kind of speaker component do I need? (What's it called,
so I can find it in a catalog?)

Look for piezoelectric transducers.

Assuming 100 kHz frequency (wavelength 3 mm) and reflector size 3 cm,
you could expect to get a 6 degree beam :) or lamda/D radians.

Phil Allison

"Bob Fnord"
I want to mount a small speaker facing a small parabolic
reflector (a few cm in diameter) for directing sound.

** It might help if you told us the frequency involved.


Bob Fnord

Look for piezoelectric transducers.

Assuming 100 kHz frequency (wavelength 3 mm) and reflector size 3 cm,
you could expect to get a 6 degree beam :) or lamda/D radians.

I'm interested in 15 to 20 kHz in mind (so 16 to 22 mm
wavelength) and thought 30 mm for the reflector. Thanks for
the beam formula! (I may need to reconsider.)

Phil Allison

"Bob Fnord"
"Phil Allison"

15 to 20 kHz, so the wavelength is around 2 cm.

Huh, what's your problem?

** You are the problem DICKHEAD

- for not including that essential info.

...... Phil