Maker Pro
Maker Pro

source for LCD NTSC small monitor in a camcorder???

I am looking for a small LCD monitor. I might just buy a DVD portable
player and use the video input to that but that screen is a bit large
for what I'm wanting to do. Color is nice but B$W would be ok too.

I was wondering if perhaps the typical flip out LCD monitor that you
see on the old analog camcorders use the old ntsc style input or is
all that electronics split up between the little LCD monitor and the
camcorder itself? I'm not afraid of hardware hacking and have quite
a bit of test equipment, but if the answer is that most camcorders
with LCD monitors don't really have an NTSC input line then its not
worth the bother.

OTOH, that little flip out monitor on my Sony D8 camcorder is just
about right. But I don't want to cannibalize it. I'm sure I could
get some broken stuff from ebay or pawn shops but if the electronics
to input via NTSC is scattered all over the camcorder electronics and
is not built in to the display itself then there really is no point in
going that route.

Don't waste your time. The little displays are not NTSC.

tks Mike, I was afraid of that. I won't go there. I guess my best
bet for now will be to use one of those combo DVD players with a 7"
screen. What I want to do is mount a monitor in my center above
console so connect to my camera mounted in the back of my suburban to
help with backing and connecting the trailer hitch. The DVD player is
a bit large and the little flip out screen looked soooo tempting. I
guess I'd have to use the whole camcorder to do what I wanted. Not
very appealing. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

BTW, nospan.don@gmail is a valid email id.

best regards

Bob Urz

I am looking for a small LCD monitor. I might just buy a DVD portable
player and use the video input to that but that screen is a bit large
for what I'm wanting to do. Color is nice but B$W would be ok too.

I was wondering if perhaps the typical flip out LCD monitor that you
see on the old analog camcorders use the old ntsc style input or is
all that electronics split up between the little LCD monitor and the
camcorder itself? I'm not afraid of hardware hacking and have quite
a bit of test equipment, but if the answer is that most camcorders
with LCD monitors don't really have an NTSC input line then its not
worth the bother.

OTOH, that little flip out monitor on my Sony D8 camcorder is just
about right. But I don't want to cannibalize it. I'm sure I could
get some broken stuff from ebay or pawn shops but if the electronics
to input via NTSC is scattered all over the camcorder electronics and
is not built in to the display itself then there really is no point in
going that route.



James Sweet

tks Mike, I was afraid of that. I won't go there. I guess my best
bet for now will be to use one of those combo DVD players with a 7"
screen. What I want to do is mount a monitor in my center above
console so connect to my camera mounted in the back of my suburban to
help with backing and connecting the trailer hitch. The DVD player is
a bit large and the little flip out screen looked soooo tempting. I
guess I'd have to use the whole camcorder to do what I wanted. Not
very appealing. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

BTW, nospan.don@gmail is a valid email id.

You can buy little NTSC monitors, both LCD and CRT. The B&W CRT monitors are
the cheapest and will give the best picture quality for the application, but
they're bulky.