Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Source for 60 pin ribbon card edge connector / cable


Michael Kennedy

I'm looking for a 60 pin card edge connector for a ribbon cable. A premade
cable with one of these on each end would work also. Anybody know a good
place to get one.

- Mike

Michael Kennedy

I don't know the spacing in mm but whatever a standard ISA card is spaced
at. It needs to be two sided 30 on each side.
I need something similar to a 5.25 floppy cable but twice as many pins /


I have always had good luck with Digikey and Mouser for this kind of
item.... but you will need to know the spacing and configuration exactly...
they tend to look very similar at first glance.
- - - - - - - - - -
Michael Kennedy said:
I'm looking for a 60 pin card edge connector for a ribbon cable. A premade
cable with one of these on each end would work also.

Digi-Key has cables like this, but only up to 50 pins. They carry the
60-pin connectors for about $14 quantity 1, and several types of 60-wire
cable from about $5 to $19 for 5 feet. Look in the first dozen or so
pages of their catalog. I think that many of the cable assemblies in
these pages aren't stock items - they just make them when you order - so
you might be able to get them to make you a 60-pin cable.

Matt Roberds