Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony Vaio TFT LCD project

Ok so a buddy had a brand new Sony Vaio TFT LCD 16.4" that he gave to me, and I thought, what a great opportunity to start a new project.

The Idea: Converting this laptop LCD into a TV. Why you ask? Just because it seems to be an interesting project to do/document/show the world.

My guess is this isn't done to often because of the price of components that are needed to complete this project. But I'm sure there is a legitimate pricing range to complete this project.

So anyone that has had experience in this field I would like to take any input you have. Please don't post comments like "It cost to much, just don't do it". That's not the point of the project. The point is to find a cheap'ish' way of doing this...

-------- What I know -------
OK I know its a LVDS (low-voltage differential signaling) that I have to convert the signal to, because that's what the LCD monitor accepts (I think.. correct me if i'm wrong)

I know there are motherboards that accept LVDS controllers, and I also know there are stand alone LVDS controllers out there, but seem pricey for the most part... But this may be the only way to take 1 signal and convert to the LVDS signal the LCD accepts...

I did find this project, which seems to be what I'm wanting to do, but not to sure if this is the right approach to accomplish the final product.

Any ideas, thoughts, or sources is greatly appreciated!


You've touched on the major issue surrounding this type of project and that is the LCD Controller. By chance do you/can you get hold of the original controller that came with the laptop??

If the answer is no then you will have a hard time building one as many are specific to the brand and make and type of screen.

I beleive there are some generic controllers on the market that may do the job however i am unsure of how good they are.

Thank you for the reply, nope, I do not have the original laptop that I can pull apart to get the controller (i wish). Think it would be an option to find a dead laptop out there that uses this screen and snatch it up, just for the controller? Of course its always a stretch finding the right laptop that is broken and is for sell haha.

I did find this,

Think something like that is what I'm looking for? (or maybe a different controller from them?)

EDIT: Found this as well, looks good, and its cheap...
Think that will work? :-D

Thanks in advance!
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These were the kind of controllers i was talking about. Obviously there is no harm in trying one (if u are willing to fork out $30 on the chance that it will work.) But thats just it... wether it will work or not is dubious. I have a friend who was trying to do exactly what you are and bought a generic controller from Ebay however this did not work.

But i would definatly say that salvaging or buying a new controller is the only way forward as like i said alot of the controllers are LCD Specicific.

If you do manage to get it working or find that the generic controller does work please post a link to the controller you used as my friend may still be looking to finish his project.


So I sent them an email trying to find information about there controller, basically I asked them if this controller would work with the panel that I have..

This is what I've got from them... pretty lame reply on their part.. But I did drill them with more questions trying to find out more haha

Dear brentg,


Thank you for your enquiry. Unfortunately we can't help with this panel at present. Sorry.

- njytouch

I asked them does this mean they haven't tested this panel yet and not sure if it would work or are they 100% sure that this controller wont work for this panel. I'll keep you all posted.
That is strange as 1600x900 is a common screen resolution. Have you asked whether they supply a controller that does support your screen??

I imagine by the short replies and lack of information that the seller is on Ebay and may not fully understand the product that he is supplying.

Have you tried going directly to the source?? If a company is building generic versions of these controllers i see no reason why they would not cover the whole range. At least the whole range of common screens.

you could see if you could get hold of an old Vaio laptop (the same type of course) that you could take out the control board.

I have to tell you that i had a familiar project where i took an old laptop screen and attempted to make my own digital photo viewer. I spent quite a while trying to create my own controller but it is more cost effective to buy one for 200 quid than to spend the time getting your head round all the different aspects of the controller that change from screen to screen. I managed to get hold of an old versuon of the same laptop and once i had that it was a doddle.
Yeah i was thinking the same thing, I'm going to go straight to the source and see if I can get some straight answers... Of course I could just try it and if it doesnt work, I'm sure i'll find another screen down the road that it'll work with... But still going to pick their brain a bit more just because :-D

Edit: Another thought, wouldn't it be possible to scale down the resolution anyways?
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you do realise that the thread is 2 years old and neither person has been back since that time ??!!

and Im still wondering if your post is just advertising ??
