Maker Pro
Maker Pro




I'm having problems with my STR-V555ES,when i turn it on i do not get
anything on the display,and the mutting led blinks for about 15
seconds,the it will stop blinking and i get the display on,now when I
move the volume control either up or down the DB numbers cout so
slow,and the mute light will blink,at this point nothing works,the
second relay sound doesn't came up,sometimes i wait many hours and
even days!,and then it will came on, on in one millon will start
without a problem.
If i get it to work i play a movie in DST,after 20 minutes the volume
will get much higher and there is no way to control it,and some other
times i have protection error.
If anyone can help me

Andy Cuffe

I'm having problems with my STR-V555ES,when i turn it on i do not get
anything on the display,and the mutting led blinks for about 15
seconds,the it will stop blinking and i get the display on,now when I
move the volume control either up or down the DB numbers cout so
slow,and the mute light will blink,at this point nothing works,the
second relay sound doesn't came up,sometimes i wait many hours and
even days!,and then it will came on, on in one millon will start
without a problem.
If i get it to work i play a movie in DST,after 20 minutes the volume
will get much higher and there is no way to control it,and some other
times i have protection error.
If anyone can help me

I repaired one that had some bad caps on the DSP board. They were
near some hot voltage regulators. Based on the design, I would be
surprised if this problem doesn't eventually affect all of them.
Andy Cuffe

[email protected]


dario said:
I'm having problems with my STR-V555ES,when i turn it on i do not get
anything on the display,and the mutting led blinks for about 15
seconds,the it will stop blinking and i get the display on,now when I
move the volume control either up or down the DB numbers cout so
slow,and the mute light will blink,at this point nothing works,the
second relay sound doesn't came up,sometimes i wait many hours and
even days!,and then it will came on, on in one millon will start
without a problem.
If i get it to work i play a movie in DST,after 20 minutes the volume
will get much higher and there is no way to control it,and some other
times i have protection error.
If anyone can help me

First off, learn to use the period. In case you're not familiar with it, a
period is an article of punctuation one uses at the end of sentences. In
case you're not familiar with them, sentences are single thoughts, which are
written in the manner you might speak them. Periods and sentences aid the
reader to assimilate the information contained therein in logical chunks.
For your information, it goes against common rules of grammer to string
punctuation marks together such as (!,) above. Also in case you are
unaware, the article "I" is ALWAYS capitalized. Similarly, a comma (,) is
ALWAYS followed by a space.

Before you respond that English is not your native language (and I assume
that it is not) please note that most languages follow similar rules of
grammar. There are very few languages in which it is acceptable to just
keep typing,and then keep typing some more,switching topics
periodically,with changes in tense and person,indefinitely, separating only
by commas,you know what i mean,i think.

Sorry to seem like a nitpicker, but we are not text messaging each other
here. It would take no more time and only a modicum more effort for you to
set out your thoughts clearly and coherently, following the rules of
grammar, than it did to string out that mess of gibberish above. You are
making it more difficult for people to understand what your problem is and
less likely that they respond with any sort of helpful advice.

On the issue of your technical difficulties, I'd check the power supply
rails feeding the logic components on the all boards, +5V in most cases. It
sounds like a microprocessor/IC issue, and they can do crazy things with
incorrect or inconsistent power. If there is a common IC which controls
volume and drives the digital display, I'd look there first.


I'm having problems with my STR-V555ES,when i turn it on i do not get
anything on the display,and the mutting led blinks for about 15
seconds,the it will stop blinking and i get the display on,now when I
move the volume control either up or down the DB numbers cout so
slow,and the mute light will blink,at this point nothing works,the
second relay sound doesn't came up,sometimes i wait many hours and
even days!,and then it will came on, on in one millon will start
without a problem.
If i get it to work i play a movie in DST,after 20 minutes the volume
will get much higher and there is no way to control it,and some other
times i have protection error.
If anyone can help me

Google is your friend you cum hungry bitch.

Mark D. Zacharias

dario said:
I'm having problems with my STR-V555ES,when i turn it on i do not get
anything on the display,and the mutting led blinks for about 15
seconds,the it will stop blinking and i get the display on,now when I
move the volume control either up or down the DB numbers cout so
slow,and the mute light will blink,at this point nothing works,the
second relay sound doesn't came up,sometimes i wait many hours and
even days!,and then it will came on, on in one millon will start
without a problem.
If i get it to work i play a movie in DST,after 20 minutes the volume
will get much higher and there is no way to control it,and some other
times i have protection error.
If anyone can help me

The 555ES is really not but the novice or doit-yourself-er.

Mark Z.