Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony str-k502p receiver

I need to pull the main board on this receiver and have a plug I'm not sure about that connects this board to the power board. I tried prying up on the tab but don't want to break it. I'll include a pic and if anyone can help on how it separates that would be great. It is the flat 5 wire plug and looks like it just pops up but I pulled pretty hard.


Sir banjopickinginthebackgroundmaniacman . . . . . . .

I don't know who makes that connector, but I call them " hinge connectors".
And it is hard to open them . . .unless you know the methodolgy , but easy to mesh them back together in their reconnecting.

I found that they are possible to open in a very CONTROLLED manner, by the use of a right angle scratch awl.

In thinking of what YOU might have in your tool stable, I think that a banjo pick would be a total fail, BUT try using a conventional 1/16 or 1/8 inch size of Allen wrench instead.
The connectors "secret release point" is being that small rectangular white tab to the far left side of your connector.
Its being located just to the right of cluster of the pea green main power electrolytic, the FWB rectifier and almost right against the other white Molex family connector showing a red and black wire.

Take the long end of the wrench and do a thumb/index finger grip on that end and position the wrenches bend against the PCB proper such that the short portions end can then be be positioned under that "mystery" connectors tab.
Then you lever the wrench such that you can do a CONTROLLED lift under that tabs end.
It should then pop up and make a disconnect from its companion then you will see my hinge aspect..

If you can handle a claw hammer in the successful pulling of a nail . . . .you can DO this . . . now . .go . . ye forth and do - it - to - it.

73's de Edd
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Thanks 73's de Edd, I will give it a try and I do have some small pics but like the Allen wrench idea so I will let you know.


Remember, if you're ever in the woods and you here banjo's, RUN!
OK, I got the board out and found that the relays had bad solder joints so I hit those and the surround sound works fine BUT now when I connect my dvd player I get sound but no video? I double checked everything and can't seem to find the problem, i would have figured the video on this would just pass through? I'm going to connect the video directly to the tv and use this just for sound and see how that works.


Sir banjoman . . .

Did you connect the TV to the TV/SAT trio of Vi-AudRi-AudLe connectors and have your DVD player connected to the DVD/LD trio of Vi-AudRi-AudLe connectors just to the right?

And were you using any of those Video connections over on the DUAL set of Video IN/OUT connectors further on over to the right?(Typically used for VCR inter connection.)
OR . . .were you using the optical connectors on the top left corner ?

73's de Edd
